Forum Discussion

CharlotteSha220's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Ideating on a password creation/trigger workflow

Hi all,

I'm trying to think about design at the top level before getting in 'too deep' on a solution that won't pan out. 

The client needs a site-embedded SL course (not LMS hosted) that grants entry to users with a password. However, we want each password to be unique to the user. Users will purchase the course using the client's website, where she sells other things. We don't want a consistent password that can get passed around, since the folks buying this course represent a pretty small community who might do so. The course is not very expensive, and it's fairly short, so hosting on an LMS (like TalentLMS) that offers pay-per-subscriber model doesn't really make sense. 

I'd like to use no-code tools to set this up behind the scenes.

Here's the flow that I'm thinking, but I wanted to get feedback before I go down the rabbit hole:

1. User signs up/pays on her website, and enters their email address when doing so. Data collected: email (text entry), date, paid yes/no.

2. That data goes to airtable or google sheets (use a zap to do so?). I'll call this the 'registration sheet' here.

3. Using another zap, I would duplicate the email address into the first column of another sheet [I'll call this the 'password sheet' here] and then generate a random string into column B [this becomes the user's unique password]. This row then gets emailed to the user via another zap.

3. In storyline, I create a text entry field on the first slide that solicits the email address. the 'submit' button runs some javascript code /jquery similar to the suggestions in this thread to find the appropriate cell of the password sheet:

4. [This is the part that I'm unsure about: how to get that data into a trigger.] The user then enters their unique password, which triggers the next button to become visible on 'submit.' 


Each of these steps is going to require some time. So I wanted feedback on whether this is all doomed from the start!


Many thanks,



  • It looks good to me, but others may have other ideas.

    Once you get the appropriate cell, you can use the JavaScript code to pass it to an SL variable. Then the submit trigger on the first slide shows the Next button if the text input equals the variable.

    • CharlotteSha220's avatar
      Community Member

      Thanks for the vote of confidence! Any past threads come to mind for that? I haven't been able to find examples of passing data back TO storyline quite that way, and I'm not fluent in javascript (just an ok tinkerer when I have someone else's code to work from).

  • To do it this way the Google sheet has to be open to the public, there are examples on here that do this.

    The main issue I would see is that storing emails on an open sheet would break GDPR rules, may not be an issue for you but if it is the fine is huge.

    I would find it much easier to spin up a Wordpress site with a paywall and allow access that way via a sign in.

  • I would input both address and password, and let JS do all the work.This gets a SL variable emailAddress  and password so JavaScript can use it.

    var player=GetPlayer();
    var JSaddress=player.GetVar("emailAddress");
    var password=player.GetVar("userPassword");
    Then load the appropriate information, and compare the passwords. If they match, set JSpasswordOK to true and send it back to SL