Forum Discussion

PeterGrennan's avatar
Community Member
7 months ago

Image / button hover effects from slide layouts delayed and inconsistent

I have a strange issue.  I'm still very new to Storyline 360 but feel I've got to grips with most of what I need reasonably well now.

I have some slides with a custom navigation bar which sits in a slide master and its layouts.  When I hover over buttons which exist in the layouts, the behaviour is very inconsistent.  It often needs a good bit of mouse wiggling before it registers the fact it should be displaying a hover state.

Any images on the slide itself, the hover effects are instantaneous and consistent.  This happens in preview, and also if I publish to web to test out slides.  I've attached an image that might clarify slightly.

Is this a known issue?  Am I doing something I shouldn't be?

I am certain it was working just fine a few days ago, but now, all slides I test have the same problem.  Any hover states on the slides themselves work great, the slide layout hover states are really flaky.

  • Hi Peter, this does not sound like normal behaviour. The hover should be almost instant and shouldn't need any wiggling from yourself or the mouse pointer. Are you able to share a version of your Storyline author file that has any sensitive information removed. Just a single slide demonstrating the issue will be good enough.

  • PeterGrennan's avatar
    Community Member

    Strangely, in trying to create a file to share, with just one slide (by deleting out the other 100+ slides), it seems to work fine.  Can file size cause a problem when previewing?  It is a pretty chunky file I think.  

    I've saved different versions of the main training file and the problem persists.  I'm not sure it's worth sharing the single slide version at the moment as there's no problem there. Very strange.

  • PeterGrennan's avatar
    Community Member

    OK, so I think the problem might be with the classic player.  I preferred the border the classic player gives as it suits the course colours much better.  I switched over to it a few days ago.  Switching back to modern player removes the issue.  It's a shame as the classic player, with no user controls allowed, looks much better than the modern player for this course's colour scheme. 

    Not sure why the classic player can't handle the hover states from layout slides though!

    • JoseTansengco's avatar

      Hi Peter,

      Happy to look into this for you! 

      The mouse cursor needs to 'hit' an object to trigger its hover state, so any transparent or covered area would prevent the state change from occurring. I'd like to see if this is what's happening in your file.

      Would you be willing to share a copy of your project file here or in private by opening a support case so we can take a closer look at what's happening? We'll delete it when we're done testing!