Rise inconsistencies
Hi All,
Wondering if, in a new release the Rise dev team are going to address a few inconstancies in the workflow when using Rise. I love Rise and always gets the thumbs up from my Stakeholders, even when presenting a first draft. However, from a development and design point of view, I would love it if a few of the tools for designing were tweaked a bit. Here is a short list I have jotted down:
Ability to toggle on/off on 'zoom in' on all pictures on every block. At the moment, you can't turn it off on questions. Please give us some control on the headers on each lesson. Font size, style and colour are fixed. Let us adjust the depth size of the top of the page too. I know limits are placed for responsive/mobile reasons but allowing us to push the limits and see for ourselves what we can get away with on mobile would be great. :)
Allow proper renaming of process block pages. You can take the name 'Step' off each process page but are stuck with 1,2,3 etc. Let us remove the label completely if we need to.
Auto start of audio. I asked about this about 2 years ago and I think the position form Articulate was that it wasn't going to happen. Please, we really need this option.
Please change the Hex colour dialog back to the way it used to work. Just now it takes a combo of about 4 clicks and cutting and pasting of the hex number before you can change a background colour. You have to paste with ctrl v otherwise the dialog closes on you and you have to try again. It's a bit broken since the latest update and used to work great with about one click every time you did it. I probably have to do this 50 times a day. Times 4 clicks. Phew. I know a lot of that could be avoided by saving as templates (which I do, do) but you know how it is when you are working at pace...
_NOPROCESS_ This is a god send as far as getting pics to look lovely and sharp, but would be even better if Rise sharpened graphics as a default. I spend a lot of time in Illustrator prefixing all my AI files with _NOPROCESS_ before uploading PNG's to Rise. Maybe a new checkbox could be added, labeled ' lo-res' on upload.
I'm sure it's fine, but I can't help feeling nervous that all my work is held in the cloud and I can't also backup my finished pieces locally. Could we have a save option similar to the export to SCORM?
Please get rid of the timed undo feature. Give us a menu option with multiple undo's. A history of undo's like Photoshop would be great. Also a warning - after deleting something - before the timed undo appears would be good. On less focused days I have failed to notice the undo at the bottom left of the screen before it faded away. This feature feels like some kind of game.
Ability to change text size, font , colour of header text on process blocks. This is fixed at one size. Also feedback on questions are defaulted to centre justification instead of left justified. When pasting in new feedback on a copied question that is already fixed to left justified, it defaults back to centre justified. This is even though it looks left justified in dev mode but in runtime mode it is centred. Easily missed if you don't keep checking, but something I have to correct multiple times, which adds to the increasing reduction in productivity.
Please don't take this a cynical criticism of Rise. These are things that I feel would increase productivity of an already awesome rapid build eLearning authoring environment. One of the worries I have is that even with the creative use of graphics and animated gifs our courses are eventually going to end up looking very similar. If we could get a bit more control of the pages, like the header fonts and page margins, it would go a long way to fixing this issue.
Hello Stephen and Alex, 🎉
I'm happy to let you know we released a new update for Rise 360. This update allows you to turn off image zooming on Timeline and Labeled Graphic blocks. We'll let you know if this feature is also applied to other blocks. There's nothing to install for web apps. New features and fixes are immediately available, though you might need to export your Rise 360 course again.
Let me know if you have any questions about this update or the new enhancement!