Forum Discussion

nielsvollrath-7's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Improvements in usability

Recently I get more and more annoyed by little quirks in the Software that makes life so much harder and I hope you can address some of these in future releases.

1. Objects move when clicked. I constantly try to select an object by a single click on it and about half of the time, that single click moves the object a bit. Just a bit, so sometimes you don't even notice until you check the whole slide and spot the misallignments.

2. Zoom. I have not figured out why, but sometimes when I zoom in with Ctrl + Mouse Wheel, it zooms in on the object selected, and sometimes it just zooms into the middle of the slide. And then I have no option to pan over the slide with the mouse, I have to use the sliders on the side on the bottom to find the area I wanted to zoom into.

3. Whenever I change to another software, Storyline goes from full screen to a smaller window for no reason. When I switch back to SL, the icon on the top right is still in full screen mode though. So not only do I have to click to get back to full screen, I have to click twice.

Those are the three major annoyances that rile me up multiple times a day.

Cheers, Niels


  • Hi Niels, 

    Sorry to hear that you ran into those issues. 

    I tried to test all three of your reported issues on my end, but it looks like the issues aren't appearing for my installation of Storyline 360. Here are some of my initial observations: 

    1. When clicking on any object in my slides, the objects retain their X and Y positions in the slide. No single pixel is added to their positions. 
    2. I believe this is by design because the mouse-click is reserved for selecting items on the slides, so you are unable to click on any area in the slide edit screen to pan to a different section when zoomed in. 
    3. Switching to a different application does not minimize Storyline 360 for me, even when in maximized mode. 

    Since the issue appears to be specific to your Storyline 360 installation, try doing a repair to see if this helps. If any of your reported issues persists, open a case with our support team here so we can work on finding you a solution. 

  • ID4WiscState's avatar
    Community Member
    1. I haven't seen that behavior.
    2. If you zoom while an item is selected, it will zoom toward that object. If you zoom while no object is selected, it will zoom toward the center of the slide. It would be amazing if a horizontal pan were added, perhaps with an alt+mouse-wheel. It would be even more amazing if a pan-handler were added a la Photoshop, where you could space+left-drag where you needed to go. Submit a feature?
    3. I keep my taskbar at the top of my second monitor, and I have to move around sometimes as the save button will hide under the taskbar occaisionally.



  • 1. That's weird that his only happens to me? It's not with every click, but with many. It's almost like my click is a bit too long and then it interprets the click as a drag. Maybe I'm jsut getting old and can't click as fast anymore as I used to?

    2. I tested again and you are right, when I select an item it zooms towards it. BUT, when I edit a state that functionality is not available and it zooms to random places on the screen. That's particularly annoying when you try to edit a small button or detail. And even once I am zoomed in on the item, I noticed that hitting Ctrl + Mouse Wheel first scrolls to the top of the screen before it starts zooming in further. So even a tiny zoom will show me the top of the slide first and then I have to move around the slide to find the item I edited again.

    3. I tried to reproduce it. When I only had one Storyline window open I couldn't, but when I have two instances of SL open and switch back and forth between them, the error appears. See the attached file. On the right is the second SL window in the background. The one in the front reduced in size to a square, still touching the top, left and bottom side, but shortened on the right. The icon to maximise the window is still in the full screen mode. In order to get to full screen, I need to click it to make it smaller, then the window is floating smaller in the middle of the screen, not touching the sides and the icon switches back to allow me to go full screen again.

    Cheers, Niels

  • I managed to find out what causes the third issue. It's not a second window. If I click on the task bar on the SL window to minimize it and then click it again to bring it back up. that's when the full screen is lost. With one or with more SL windows open.

    Even if I minimize the window via the _ icon on the top right of the window and then try to open it up again via a click on the task bar, that's when the SL window opens in a weird state.