Forum Discussion

NicolasRuys's avatar
Community Member
4 years ago

Incomplete screen recording in Peek


Since using Peek, we noticed an issue where our screen is not entirely recorded.
Before recording, we always use the option "Full screen", but as shown in the screenshot below, the recorded size is 1916x1076 (while the screen resolution is 1920x1080).

This wouldn't seem very problematic, but when viewing the resulting recording, the screen is clearly cropped, see screenshot of the video below. Here the cropping is most apparent at the underside of the video, where the date in the taskbar is horizontally cut in half.

Our current solution is to wiggle the sliders away from the centre until the dotted lines are no longer visible, demonstrated below for the left side of the screen. But this never works instantly, and a lot of "wiggling" is required until all of the dotted lines are gone.

Has anyone else encountered this, or have a suggestion/solution? This problem occurs on every computer within our organization.

Nicolas (editor at die Keure publishing - Bruges, Belgium)

  • Hi Anabel,

    Welcome to the E-Learning Heroes community!✨

    Sorry to hear you're experiencing an issue with your course. Are you able to provide some more detail about what you're seeing? If you're comfortable sharing your file or a screen recording, that will help our team determine if you're affected by a possible software bug or not.

    Please feel free to share your content privately in a support case if you prefer! We'll delete it from our systems once troubleshooting is complete.

  • This is happening for me too.  After all this time, still no resolution?  The only solution I read was to uninstall/reinstall while restarting both times.  Not only was doing that a big time waster, it didn't work.  I wish Articulate focused more on improving current tools than always just trying to add new stuff.

  • Now I'm even more mad.  In my search for a solution, I see a full page of search results for this same problem going back to 2017.  Why are we paying for an app that doesn't work properly?

    • LaurenConnelly's avatar

      Hi Gordon!

      I'm really sorry for the hassle! Another solution is to only use one monitor when using Peek or make sure both monitors are set to the same DPI settings. Have you tried either one of these options?