Forum Discussion

BartlomiejPolak's avatar
Community Member
13 years ago

Induction training for new employees - inspiration needed

Hi everyone,

I'm working on a new project - e-learning for new employees about the company, it's history and structure, products etc.

I don't want it to be another "click through"  or "click the doors in a building " e-learning. I want to make it attractive and addictive

Can you share with me some of your ideas? Or maybe you have seen an induction  training that you would like to  take part in and have link to it?

Any help is highly welcome:) 

  • VirpiOinonen's avatar
    Community Member

    Bartlomiej Polakowski said:

    I've seen a few onboarding videos and there are at least three problems with them:

    - they are boring (how many managers and happy people can you listen to?

    - they are not so easy to update

    - if in HQ, a good network connection is needed if put online

    @Brad: I like your idea with superheroes. I'm looking for some innovative concepts like games or comics.

    I've used infographics / visual stories that resemble comics in my work as internal comms. They are a cost effective and fun way to get the main points across. The added benefit is that you can explain complex, abstract topics in a way that wouldn't be possible with video or text. Also: you can reuse the images in a PowerPoint presentation, if need be. Or even turn them into a simple animation with narration with free tools like

    To give you a rough idea what I'm talking about check out my illustrated introduction to Yammer (enterprise social network) or my visual explanation to our staff why the organisation had to change the way we produce content for the web. I'm now doing visual explanations for other organisations as well (I set up my own freelance business after realising more people would benefit from visual stories).



  • TimMorris's avatar
    Community Member

    This project is probably long finished but I immediately thought that Prezi could be useful for training like this. You could start zoomed right in on the company, then zoom out to stakeholders and even further out to the surrounding marketplace. This would be a good way to show how all the components fit together - something many new starters say they don't get a good overview of.  

  • What about a travel theme ala boarding a plane? Maybe you could make each of the section/topics a stop on their voyage and stamp their passport for each one they complete. Intrepid learning is blogging about some onboarding they've done like this. It might give you some ideas. I really like the "feel" of what they've done.

    Check out their design/treatment

  • Hi All,

    All this info is great, as I too have been tasked to design a full Global Onboarding Project so any ideas/hints or tips you have and would like to share, would be great.

    Looking to have a mix of blended learning and for the colleague to be able to start the 'process', if you would like to call it that, as soon as we receive the acceptance letter.

    Any support would be greatly received.

    Look forward to any comments/ideas or suggestions you may have.


    HR Development Manager

  • Hi, Chelle:

    If the project is international in scope, you might consider some type of passport theme or travel theme. Perhaps they have to visit so many destinations/topics before they can move to the next "level." The folks at Articulate have an airmail template that might also work. You can download a trial version of Storyline at

    Are these employees ever going to be meeting in one central place?

  • Hi Bartlomiej, I hope your induction pack came out great in the end! Would you mind sharing your copy with me, please?