Forum Discussion

NormaJohnson-4b's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Inserting JPG vs. PNG JPG glitchy

I'm not sure what happened, I've never had this before.  When I insert a JPG it places the image 90 degrees off, and when I correct it looks fine building the slide, but when I play back, it rotates back and stretches to fit the spot.  

Works like normal when the image is a PNG, so for today I'll just continue to work with PNG images, but I wanted to report this.  I've never seen it before. 

  • Hi Norma,

    you can send bugs like these directly to the support team of Articulate and if possible your Storyline file so they can take a look into this. :) Plus the information, which version of Storyline you use. Maybe you only need to update your version, if you didn´t for a long time. If you recently updated, you can also downgrade to an earlier version, where this bug didn´t exsist. But still report something like this, so they can take a look. The support always helped me with issues and they are very nice. :)

