Forum Discussion

ChristopherD983's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Is the Sequence Drop-Down question 508 compliant?

Hi there,

I'm working on creating a sequence drop-down question in storyline but the screen reader (JAWS) will not read the question text on the screen (or any other items on the screen), only the drop downs with the answers.

I adjusted the focus order correctly and even made the question it's own text box (separate from where you enter the question in form view). 

Has anyone else experienced this problem before? And is there a way to get the screen reader to read other elements on the slide when it is a sequence drop down question slide? I've attached a few screenshots for reference.

Thank you in advance.

  • Hello Christopher,

    Happy to help! 

    Storyline 360 doesn't automatically read text boxes on a slide, as explained in this article: 

    Have you tried using the up and down arrow keys to cycle through the non-interactive elements in the slide such as text boxes to confirm that it is working as expected for you? 

    If using the up and down arrows doesn't work, would you be willing to share a copy of your project file here or in private by opening a support case so we can take a closer look at how your slides are configured? We'll delete it when we're done testing!

  • Hi Joe! Thank you for your reply. I have used the up and down arrows and I still can't get the screen reader to move to the text. I've attached a sample file here.

    • JoseTansengco's avatar

      Hi Christopher, 

      Would you mind accessing this link and then tabbing to the button shown in the screenshot below:

      Once you're on that button, use the 'up' and 'down' arrow keys to cycle through the elements on the slide. Is your screen reader able to read the 'Test - Hello World' text which represents the slide question text?

      I also wanted to share this helpful article on how to design accessible courses in Storyline 360. It contains tips that you can use to make your courses more accessible to learners.

  • HI Joe,

    I tested the link you sent and the up and down arrows did not work to toggle/read the question or the answers. It looks like the question you added is a sequence drag and drop. The question type I was asking about is for a sequence drop-down.

  • Hi Christopher, 

    Both the sequence drag and drop and the sequence drop-down question slides should be equally accessible. I went ahead and opened a support case on your behalf so we can get you in touch with our support team. They'll be able to provide additional insight regarding the challenges you're facing with the accessibility of your sequence drop-down question slides. Please be on the lookup for an email from our support team!

  • Correct me if i am wrong but don't all drag and drops REQUIRE the use of a mouse? Doesn't that make tehm automatically NOT accessible?

    • JoseTansengco's avatar

      Hi Randall, 

      Apologies if my last response was confusing. What I meant in the first sentence of my last response was sequence drag and drop and the sequence drop-down question slides should both respond to screen readers, which was related to the issue that Christopher was encountering. 

      It's also possible to design an accessible drag-and-drop interaction, some setup just needs to be done for it to work. You can check out the example here if you're interested in adding accessible drag-and-drop interactions to your course:

      And this article contains more tips on how to make Storyline 360 courses accessible to your learners: