Forum Discussion

KristineLowry's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

It's Not All Fun and Games

Being new to Storyline, I thought it would be fun to create a game as the knowledge check on my first project.  After putting many hours into building the game, asking for lots of help and still not getting it to work correctly, the game is now losing its fun factor.   Please help me bring the fun back into the game.

I have two issues to resolve, with variables and triggers and I will be able to complete this project.  My first issue is that learners earn points for correctly answering each question.  I have a number variable set up to award 10 points when the user clicks continue on the correct feedback layers for each of the 10 questions.  This works great, except learners do not receive feedback when answering the last question, as the games shows the end of game layer before showing the feedback slides.  So even though learners should be able to earn a total of 100 points, the most TotalScore variable adds is 90 points.  I know the issue is how I have the triggers set up to show the Complete Game and the Retry Game layers but, I don't know how to fix it.

The other issue is, I have triggers set up to show either the Complete Game layer or the Retry Game layer, defendant upon all of the markers having been selected and the value of the TotalScore variable, but regardless of the total score, the Retry Game layer is shown.  

I appreciate all the help and feedback I can get on the attached project.


  • Hi Kristine,

    The first issue is because you use Cover1-10 to be the condition and it will trigger the feedback layer and the result layer when submiting the last question. But users can only see one layer one time.  To fix that, you can put the trigger "change Set state of Cover# to normal" on both of the feedback layers rather than question# layer.

    For your second issue, I do not see it happened at my end when testing after the first issue fixed. 

  • KristineLowry's avatar
    Community Member

    HI Joanne,

    Thank you for responding.  I fixed the first issue as you instructed and still had the second issue.  I was able to change the order of the show Complete and show Retry layers and that resolved the second issue.

    Thank you so much for bringing the fun back for me in building this game.  You are truly a hero!