JavaScript to access Storyline quiz/survey values
Hey e-learning heroes!
I'm new to using JavaScript with Storyline, but I have a lot of experience with JavaScript/CSS/HTML.
I have found many examples online how to getVar and setVar in Storyline using JavaScript. But I can't find any examples of how to lookup/access the values that a learner has submitted into a quiz/survey so far.
The closest I could find were references to a g_listQuizzes variable, which doesn't work for me.
If getVar can be used for this, I can't find where the correct variable names are for the survey questions I want to access. Closest I've found is someone using surveyController.getResponse('Sur1_res1'); Again, this didn't seem to work either (that said, their example never instantiated that surveyController variable anywhere).
Is there a guru who has successfully accessed quiz/survey entries before?
I need a hero!
Thanks in advance,