Forum Discussion
Labeled Graphic Size and Quality
I'm using a screenshot of a menu as a labeled graphic. The image is 366x478. Even on a monitor set to display 1080p, it's a decent size, legible and would be fine in a web browser.
The problem I am having, however is that when i insert it as a labeled graphic and set the image width to "small" it blows the image up to about 760x980 and it looks awful. I've tried adjusting the compression on the image, changing the dpi and several other things but no matter what, Rise just butchers it and makes it not presentable.
Is there any way to control the size the image displays at other than "small," "medium," and "Full width" (Don't even get me started on what Full Width does to images....)
I get that Rise is mean to be responsive but it should not prioritize responsiveness over quality.
Hi Matt,
I’m sorry you’re experiencing some trouble with this.
This is actually a bug and it’s on our radar. I don’t have any updates right now, but will share them here as soon as I do.
In the meantime, please let me know if I can help with anything else.
- mattthorne-bc1fCommunity Member
any chance this gets bumped up on the priority list? It has major design implications for several ongoing projects...and by that I mean I have to rethink entire courses.
Hi Matt,
We understand that this is an issue and will report back when we have a fix. Thank you for your patience!
- JoanneRach-6667Community Member
I am so glad this concern was posted by Matt--I thought I was losing my mind! I am eager for an update that fixes this. Thanks!
- KateRash-4855eeCommunity Member
I'll echo the prioritization request of getting this bug fixed, too. This is literally a showstopper for me gaining a new client's trust, as I am trying to illustrate my work quality using the Labeled Graphic feature, which would be heavily used in my scenario. Please fix - thank you and look forward to an update soon.
I totally get it, Kate!
I don’t currently have any updates, but you are now subscribed to this conversation which means as we share updates here, you’ll automatically be notified.
- AlyssaBirchardCommunity Member
Anyone on this thread hoping that this will be fixed soon should be aware that it has been a "noted bug" for 2 years.
Hi Alyssa,
I just wanted to clarify that this is a separate issue and was only reported a few months ago.
Let me know if you have any other questions. :)
- KarlMullerCommunity Member
I had exactly the same issue where Rise was blowing up a small image and through experimentation I found a work-around.
Firstly, Rise wants images to be in 16:9 format.
I had a small image very similar to the one uploaded by Matt at the top of the thread. I opened the image in Photoshop and increased the size of canvas by making the image wider on both the left and right sides. I made the left and the right sides white and kept the image height the same. I did this a few times until I got close to 16:9 ratio and the visual result that I wanted. The actual image (the part part in the middle) now displays close to the size of the original.
So while the image is actually much wider than it seems, this does not bother anyone as they are not aware of it.
- MargitLanze-728Community Member
I have used Snagit to resize the canvas to landscape, and it worked for me as well. By the way, this is also a way to center images that would otherwise be left bound.
- AnnieLouden-eb0Community Member
Karl's aspect ratio trick worked for me. I also made the image "small" in Rise, and it looks about how I want it to.
- TimLewis-c68f58Community Member
Hi all, has this 'bug' been fixed yet? I'm guessing not as I'm having exactly the same issue.
I'll try the work around but to be frank, not what we should have to do to compensate for known bugs.
Hi Tim,
Thanks for reaching out!
I don’t currently have any updates, but you are now subscribed to this conversation which means as we share updates here, you’ll automatically be notified.
- mattthorne-bc1fCommunity Member
Updated scenario:
i'm using a screenshot captured at 1900 X 1200 at 1200dpi...
So, on my 1900 x 1200 resolution monitor, the image that i upload to Rise and that it shows me back should literally be identical to.the.pixel.
it looks...awful. This is not acceptable. Its not acceptable as basic functionality and It's not acceptable that in 5 months that nothing has been done to address this.
I struggle every year to justify the cost of our subscription to my bosses and when this web based platform can't take an image that I give it and show it back to me in the exact same condition...makes it really hard for me to WANT to justify it.Hi Matt. I'm sorry you're not seeing the image quality you should expect with Rise 360. I'm opening a case with my team so that, with your permission, we can have a closer look at your image and how it's displaying in your course. You'll get a confirmation email with an upload link if you share your image file.
I've also ensured our report for the labeled graphic block bug accurately reflects the impact it's having on our customers. We'll share more here when we're able.
- KevinMartin-8a6Community Member
Hi Folks, having been involved with software development in the past I can sympathies with both sides in this discussion. Software development priorities can sometimes not be the same as customer needs and priorities. I was having a similar problem where the image I was trying to add labels to when added to the rise course was getting blown up when displayed. Necessity is the mother of invention so the solution i came up with is as follows.
Since the background on the web page is white. I took my image and cut and pasted in to a large white canvas in Microsoft Paint and centered my image in the middle to the side I required. I then saved it and uploaded it to replace the original image. The net effect is that my image now displays at the correct size and is surrounded by white space. The learner is unaware as I don't have a border on the image.