Forum Discussion

AnnaKlashka's avatar
Community Member
6 months ago

Layers with audio reveal on slide without audio overlapping and layer text staying on screen


Looking for help as I am very frustrated. I am trying to show 7 individual layers with audio and text on each layer. The audio plays over each other when clicking on each button. I did try "the pause timeline of base layer" on each layer but then it hides each layer when clicked on. I want the layer to stay/reveal and stay on the screen when clicked and the audio to play when clicked, but I need the audio to pause when another layer is clicked/revealed while leaving the layer text still on the screen. Thanks in advance for any advice.

    • MikeEnders's avatar

      Hi Celeste, 

      The challenge here is that the layer properties are what control the behavior of the items on the layer. So in this instance, if the layer property is set to Hide other slide layers, then the text will disappear and the audio will stop playing. And if we disable that layer property (which is what I'm guessing the original poster did), then the text stays, but the audio won't stop. And since we can't target audio on one layer with triggers from another, we need to adjust the design a bit. 

      So the goal here is that we want the text to stay but the audio to stop. There are various ways we could accomplish this and one approach eschews layers entirely (but takes a lot of triggers). 

      I'm attaching a .story file for you to decide which will work best for you. In short, the three options I share are:

      Slide 1. Put everything on the base layer. Start the text in the hidden state and then use triggers to show the text and play the audio when the user clicks the button. 
      Slide 2. Put the text on the base layer and the audio on slide layers. Similar state change for the text as in option 01 and then we use the layer property of hide other layers to have the audio stop. 
      Slide 3. We flip the script on #2 by putting the audio on the base layer and the text on the slide layers. We also alter the slide layer properties to not hide the other slide layers. 

      I'm sure other Storyline users could share additional approaches, but I wanted to share these three to get you started. Out of the current options, #2 seems to be the most efficient. 

      I hope the file gives you some ideas for how to set up your own slide. Please reach out if you have any questions. 


    • KellyAuner's avatar

      Hi CelesteMurray-5,

      Thanks for reaching out and I'm sorry to hear you're experiencing this issue!

      Are you able to share your file with our team to see what's going on? You can upload it here or privately in a support case if you prefer. We'll delete it from our systems once troubleshooting is complete!

  • Hi Anna,

    Happy to help!

    It would be much easier for the community to help with your design and triggers if we could look at your project file or a slide to see how it's currently configured. Would you be willing to share a copy of your project file here or in private by opening a support case for testing? We'll delete it when we're done!