Forum Discussion

MikeAmelang's avatar
Community Member
6 years ago

Learning Journal In Rise


Firstly, Articulate recently implemented a small update to Rise. As a result, all new exports from Rise will need to include the most recent version of LearningJournal.js which is found at the usual link.

Secondly, at any time Articulate could update their code and bring a breaking change to the Learning Journal. Over a year ago, I shared this functionality freely with the community and the code comes with no warranty or support either implied or expressed. If at any time you want or need to remove the Learning Journal from your modules, simple remove any STATEMENT-NOTE entries that refer to the Learning Journal.

* * * *


I built a cool Learning Journal feature for Rise that has been very well-received. I thought I'd share it in case anyone wanted to a. use it or b. improve on it.


The Learning Journal allows the learner to enter text responses to journal prompts throughout a Rise course. At the end of the course, the learner can print their learning journal of all their responses. The responses are saved to the browser so that they persist on future visits to the Rise course.


EDIT May 2019: At the request of a member of the forum, I created a HOW-TO video below that shows each step of the HOW-TO document in action.


Example Rise Course

HOW-TO Document

HOW-TO Video

Learningjournal.js file (right-click and save)

Learningjournal.css file (right-click and save)

Project github site

I would love any feedback and help to improve the functionality and code.

Mike Amelang

  • Hi, brilliant journal... anyone know how to hide the 2nd button (Actions)? The descriptor '.journalprintbutton' seems to be the same for both buttons. So, difficult via CSS



    • RachelMcCulloug's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Chris, I don't have anything helpful unfortunately but I just came here to also say that I would like to be able to do this.


  • This was great!  I remember using this a few years back.  Since you created it 5 years ago.  Have we come any closer to an easier option in Rise 360 yet?

  • Agree I've used this for a few courses but having trouble getting it to work now. Has something changed?

  • Comment out line 433 which reads 'container.appendChild(button2)'. This is the line that adds the second button to the page.

  • MikeAmelang's avatar
    Community Member

    Rachel and others,

    From your description, it appears that a recent update by Articulate has affected the functionality of the learning journal. Such changes have happened in the past and will continue to happen. At this time, I will not be updating the learning journal.

    However, the code has been made available for others to update. I would recommend one of the following options. 

    1. Engage the services of a contractor familiar with jQuery or at least Javascript. The code itself is fairly straightforward.
    2. Remove the learning journal elements from your modules by removing any STATEMENT-NOTE entries that refer to the Learning Journal.

    I will update the original post with a warning that the learning journal may no longer function.


    Mike Amelang

  • LaniMurchie's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi There.
    Does anyone know of a way so that there is only 1 button, but on clicking would show all completed data. What i would like is that they have a complete one of the journal and action items together. Can it be done and if so how?

  • Repaired Learning Journal JavaScript file

    Hello all. I don't use this library, but have taken a look at it and made some adjustments. I think the major bug was that some functionality in the library had become obsolete (deprecated ~10years ago and finally removed from Chrome).

    I've also removed the jQuery dependency, and so you no longer have to load that library in.

    I've run some tests locally, but if any other users out there experiencing issues would like to test the library, that would be great.

    The updated JavaScript file is available in this zip file, or you can pick-up from

    Let me know if there are still any issues and please provide a copy of any errors occurring in your browser console (usually available via F12).