Forum Discussion

MoraigVuurman's avatar
Community Member
6 months ago

Science Direct- Elsevier open acccess journal not embedding

I am trying to embed a journal article in a Rise module.

Any Open access URL link form this journal returns an error.

"We are unable to generate an embed for this URL. Please check that the URL is valid and the content is publicly accessible."

eg The “Resus:Station”: The use of clinical simulations in a randomised crossover study to evaluate a novel resuscitation trolley - ScienceDirect:

Help please: I am sure this is new, don't think it has always been the case!

  • Hi Moraig,

    Sorry for the trouble embedding a URL in Rise 360. I noticed that you've also opened a support case and connected with my colleague Carlo. Good call! It looks like Carlo replied to your e-mail sharing troubleshooting steps to try. I would suggest giving those a shot to see if that does the trick!

    We can continue the conversation through your case to help keep all information in one spot.