Forum Discussion
lightbox "X" closes under condition
Hello Monique,
Happy to help!
There isn't a way to control the functionality of the 'X' icon that closes a lightbox. One workaround that you can do is to follow the steps shared in this community post to hide the native 'X' icon and then create your own close button using triggers.
You can define how a learner gets to close a 'Lightbox' by making use of the 'Close lightbox' trigger shown here:
With this trigger added to the slide, your learners will have more than one option to close the slide which means they don't have to be dependent on the 'X' button to close it.
Hope this helps!
Hello Jose,
sorry for my late response. It took a while to upload a test file on our LMS. The javascript seems to work fine, as no "X" is visible in the upper right corner. However also my own triggers, which should appear when some conditions are met, don't seem to work. For a better insight, I uploaded an example with limited content.
Anything I could do different?