Forum Discussion

WilliamRyan-dba's avatar
Community Member
10 months ago

LMS Course Identifiers

Hi there... I have a lecture series (10 presentations) that I am turning into a course series to publish in my LMS. Since the format of all of the lectures is basically the same, I made the first course, and then copied the .story file, renamed it to the next course in the series, and then modified it with the new content. Each course will have an associated test. I just noticed, however, that in the Reporting and Tracking Options, each LMS Course Information Identifier is identical. I'm curious if this will give me grief in the future....?

  • TeriCWarner's avatar
    Community Member

    It really depends upon whether or not you will be giving learners credit (tracking) and if there are quiz questions that need to be reported (reporting). If that's the case, you will need to redo your courses with unique identifiers.

  • I suggest you talk to your LMS folks. They might prefer that you use a particular ID for each course. For example, the ID could be the course number that will be used in the LMS. Or it could simply be the course title (but without spaces) or a shortened version of the name. 

  • Thanks all, for your answers. I reached out to the LMS people, who told me that it is not a problem from their side. However, that doesn't necessesarily mean that it won't become a problem in the future... I'll start modifying the identifiers as suggested. 

  • If you do a save as inside storyline the ID will change, if you do it in a file manager outside storyline it will not.