Forum Discussion
Loading MathType into Articulate Storyline?
We work a lot with statistics content where mathematical expressions are common to be implemented with Articulate products. We are using MathType and I was wondering if there is a way to load the MathType font set directly into Storyline?
With regards to this!target=articulate_storyline (SDK here: I am aware of how to insert MathType formulas and equations as images but would there be also a way to copy+paste directly from one program into the other (or even better: have MathType as add-on as it is with .ppt)?
Thank you for advice,
- LarryHuffCommunity Member
I would love to see Storyline use MathType as an add-on or create an in house math pallet at well. I am currently creating practice college entrance exam test and anytime I want to use square roots or fractions I have to create the question in another program, LaTex Beamer, then take a screenshot of the problem. Next I create a free form hotspot problem with the picture. The problem is that it is not very intuitive on the users end like the bubbles in the multiple choice equations. Anybody want to suggest a better way to go about this? I am relatively new to Storyline. Thanx.
- BrentdeMovilleCommunity Member
Mathtype works great importing as an image and I was told the next update will over a PNG option for no background.
I would prefer that Storyline allow me to be able to insert it as an object like in Powerpoint or Word.
- SilviaPernsteinCommunity Member
Hello Articulate,
Any news on this one? It would be a big time-safer to have MathType available as add-on in Storyline ... Thanks!
Hi Silvia!
I do not have any news on this, but I hope that you submitted a feature request if this is something that you would like to see.
- SilviaPernsteinCommunity Member
Any updates on this? Feature request for MathType as add-on in Storyline has been submitted.
Thank you!
Thanks for submitting your request Silvia! I do not have any update to provide on this request. All update details for Storyline 1 can be found here.
- DavidJanus-775bCommunity Member
Any updates on this? I've also submitted a feature request for this.
Hi there David,
Thanks for submitting a request and for adding your voice here! It really helps us to know how in demand this feature is, and your ideas help drive our product roadmap!
- DavidJanus-775bCommunity Member
Thanks for the feedback Alyssa, nice to know someone is listening :)
Thanks, Ohurdhan for checking in! It's not something on our roadmap yet, but we'll let folks know if we have any updates on that to share!
- MeaganGriffin-fCommunity Member
Hi! Just checking in on this request since there hasn't been an update in a while. Any news?