Forum Discussion

LasJohnson-b2cc's avatar
Community Member
12 months ago

Low quality 'audio export' from Text to Speech in Articulate Storyline 360

I have been using the Neural text to speech function with storyline 360 to creation narration for a Rise module.

Previewing the audio within storyline is clear and is mostly acceptable, it is clear, and audible.

Exporting the audio to MP3 renders in what I can only describe as wired telephone across the Atlantic quality.

I have been unable to source a possible work around, thinking that if I go to the publish menu (properties/ quality/Audio quality and increase the kbps to lets say 160kbps it would output(export) a better quality audio, unfortunately had no effect.

Thoughts anyone?

Btw I have seen the Options - Export audio [compression] Automatic/ None
But you have to do this to every audio file individually

  • the internal format for storyline textToSpeech audio is

    48 kbps, 22 kHz, mono

    to get all audios unchanged, you can decompress the .story file (= .zip)

    you find all used audios in the folder



  • Hi Las!

    Sorry to hear you've run into this issue!

    Glad to see Jurgen has been helping you! I also noticed you've opened a support case that's being handled by my colleague, Philam. It looks like Philam reached out to your e-mail requesting a copy of your .story file for review.

    We can continue troubleshooting through your case to keep all information in one spot.