Forum Discussion

AndreasBetge-82's avatar
Community Member
7 months ago


Hello Community, I have a question about Storyline 360. I use Ilias as my CMS. I am in the process of updating a few WBTs. However, when uploading the new version, the old WBT is not replaced by the new one. I get the error “no identical Manifest.htm”. Why does Articulate create a new manifest file when updating. In the past this has always worked without any problems. Is there a wordaround to the solution? I would be very happy about help.


  • Hi Andreas, I use ILIAS too and am aware of the manifest.xml problem.

    If I just like to update a WBT/SCORM in ILIAS, I'll delete the old files via List files and Select a new File - Upload - Unzip - Ready.

    Learnes progress won't get lost but the new version could have an impact on learning progress - ILIAS vice.

    Best B