Forum Discussion

GaryBauder's avatar
Community Member
6 months ago

Moving lessons from one section to another.

Hello, I am new to articulate, and I am using Rise360. Can someone tell me how to move a lesson from one section to another.

  • Tim_'s avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Gary,

    Are you wanting to reorder the content, or move content from within the page? To reorder, just drag the titles around on the main page. To move content from one page to another, I use the custom block feature. When in the module you want to move from:

    1. Click the plus icon near a block as if you were going to add something new
    2. Choose 'Block Templates' at the bottom
    3. Click the 'New block template' button at the top
    4. Tick the lesson contents you want to move (it might be all of it) and hit Save
    5. Give it a name (it doesn't matter because you'll probably want to delete the block template after)
    6. You can remove these from the source page now.
    7. Navigate back and through to the destination page
    8. Use the plus, click Block Templates, and your content should be at the top - click it to insert it
    9. You might want to click plus, Block Templaates after it's in, then hit the little trash can to remove the template afterwards
  • KarlMuller's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Gary,

    If you are using the Articulate definitions of "Sections" and "Lessons", you can simply drag a Lesson up or down in the course menu from one Section to another.