Forum Discussion
Moving Parts Of Blocks?
I had a subject matter expert give me information that was all put in one block and later they decided it needs to go into its own blocks. Am I forced to copy the whole block or can I just copy different sections at a time, I.E. - just a quizz.
- KarlMullerCommunity Member
Hi Dave,
I am a bit confused by your use of the term "blocks", so to avoid confusion I will use Articulate Rise terminology as defined below.
Rise Courses consist of either Lessons and Quizzes.
Lessons consist of individual blocks and Quizzes consist of individual questions.
Entire Quizzes can be copied within the same course or to another course and the questions can be edited.
Entire Lessons can also be copied within the same course or to another course.
Any number of Blocks within a Lesson can be turned into a Block Template that can be used to copy or move those blocks to another Lesson in the same course, or to a completely different Course.
- DaveAshby-ac739Community Member
Sorry. I meant to say everything was put into one lesson. I need to break the lesson up and create more lessons and want to copy blocks and quizzes from within the first lesson to newly created lessons within the same course. It is very unclear how to copy a block into another lesson. Hitting the copy icon seems to just copy it beneath the existing block. I hope that makes more sense.
- KarlMullerCommunity Member
Hi Dave,
You have two options:
Create multiple copies of the same Lesson and remove the blocks you don't want.
The method I use to move blocks around is Block Templates.
Essentially you go in your Lesson that has all the content, and then select the content blocks that need to move to another Lesson and put them into Block Templates, which is really just a library of blocks. Then go to the new Lesson where you want the content to be, and insert the newly create Block Templates from the Block library.
Once the content has been placed in the correct Lessons, go back to the original Lesson and delete the content blocks from there.
Here are some details about how to use them:
- DaveAshby-ac739Community Member
Thanks for the link. Good to know for the future. It would be nice if you could just copy a block and paste it. It seems more complicated than it needs to be.