Forum Discussion

HeatherLord's avatar
Community Member
4 years ago

Navigation from RESTRICTED to FREE


I have a course built in RISE that we (myself and SME team) update frequently.  The actual course that is published and in our LMS has a Navigation set to RESTRICTED as we have quizzes in the RISE and we want the learner to progress in order.

As we make edits in RISE and proof the updated sections, I would like to change the navigation to FREE.  So that myself and my SME do not need to take all the quizzes.

I thought I could simply switch the Navigation setting to FREE and then share with my SME - but we still can not navigate around in the RISE course.  It is forcing us to take all quizzes.

What am I missing here?

Thank you in advance.


  • KarinRex's avatar
    Community Member

    This may be a stupid question, but did you re-publish?

  • Hi Heather!

    If you did republish, did you upload the newest version of the course to your LMS to overwrite the original course? 

    Have you tried viewing the course's Share link to see if you're able to navigate freely there? 

  • HeatherLord's avatar
    Community Member

    Thank you both for responding.

    I did republish (NOT a stupid question, IMO)

    I did NOT upload into the LMS, as I just want the SME to review before I put in the LMS.  AND when I put in the LMS I need to change navigation back to restricted.

    I simply changed navigation to free, re-published, and went to SHARE and copied the link and pasted in an email to my SME.

    My intent is for it to be FREE for my SME, so she does not need to take the quizzes to check the updates we made.

    • Renz_Sevilla's avatar

      Hi Heather! Thanks for letting me know what you've already tried.

      If you've republished and created a new share link, let's make sure you're viewing the latest version.

      Can you try clearing your browsing data? Here's how to do it for your browser:

      If that doesn't help, could you please send us a copy of your course by submitting a case here so we can take a look?

      • HeatherLord's avatar
        Community Member

        Thank you Renz.

        I cleared the cache and same result. 

        I will submit the course. 

        Thanks - Heather

  • Hello,

    Was this resolved? I have the same situation where navigation is "free" but you can't click the different topics on the side menu because the course is forcing the reviewer to take the quiz each time. 

    Do we have to change the quiz settings for review, then change them back when we're ready to publish?

  • Hi Robert! I'm sorry to hear that you encountered this issue. There is no need to change the quiz settings for Review.  Your courses need to be tested using the same settings as your published course.

    Do you get the same behavior when you use a different browser to view your course? You can also try clearing your browser cache and see if that helps! 

  • SteveBrimley1's avatar
    Community Member

    Did this ever get answered?

    I have a course that I set to Restricted, but now I want to allow Free navigation. That option is gone now in Settings. So now when I review the course I have to start at the beginning and go through multiple lessons to get to where I need to go. Is it possible to change back and forth?

    • KarlMuller's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Steve,

      The Restrict / Free Navigation setting is still there:

      Path: Course / THEME / Navigation

      Scroll down in the panel to see all the navigation settings.

  • SteveBrimley1's avatar
    Community Member

    Ah, thanks. Seems a weird place to put navigation settings. I didn't see it since I have to scroll down. Also, there is a "Settings" tab at the top. I expected to see it there.