Forum Discussion

LusaCardoso's avatar
Community Member
6 months ago

Featuring: Restrict Navigation

I created a course on Rise, with several modules and I would like to block the modules so that users can complete them in order. Modules must be available for access after the previous module is completed. 

To carry out the configuration, I accessed: Theme > Navigation > And checked the "On" option in Restrict Navigation - prevent learners from freely navigating the course.

In the preview, it appears as if the modules were blocked (a prohibited icon appears when hovering over them and does not allow clicking). However, when saving, no changes are applied. 

I've done several tests and it simply doesn't work. 

Is there anything additional I should do?

  • Hi Luisa!

    Sorry to hear your navigation settings aren't saving in Rise 360!

    I tested the behavior on my end, in Google Chrome, but was unable to replicate the issue. While previewing, and after publishing to Review 360, the restricted navigation settings worked as expected. Are you experiencing this issue across all supported browsers, or is it local to one? Does clearing the cache make any improvement?

    Also, were you viewing the course through an LMS, or published to the Web, when you noticed this behavior?

  • Hi StevenBenassi . I have similar question: a coworker created a course in Rise. He shared the course with me. "Restrict Navigation" is selected, so learners must take modules in order. The issue is: after completing the course, we want learners to be able to go back to the course and then have free navigation (just like I do with Articulate 360). How can I set that in Rise?

    • LaurenDuvall's avatar

      Hello GuilhermeTeixei! I'm happy to help! If the course is set to Restrict Navigation, a learner will be able to move freely through the course after they've viewed each lesson. I've tested this on my end by publishing to LMS and hosting it in SCORM cloud. I was able to take the course, move freely through the course after visiting each lesson, close the window, and access the course again while moving through the lessons freely since I've already completed each lesson. Are you viewing the course in an LMS environment or web environment?

      • GuilhermeTeixei's avatar
        Community Member

        Hi LaurenDuvall ! I am viewing it in an LMS (SuccessFactors). This is working fine while the learner is taking the course, but if they complete the course (course is marked as "completed" in the LMS), close the LMS and then go back to check the course out again (using it as resource while working), the system "understands" that the leaner must take the course again, from the beginning. When I use "restricted navigation" in Storyline projects, using the very same LMS, we don't have this issue. Learners can go back to completed courses and then freely navigate throughout the modules/chapters.