Forum Discussion

JaySteele-68436's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Navigation Query


I am currently experimenting with Rise packages to use on our LMS.


I have a branching package where you select whether you work in one of our English branches or welsh branches.

How it works is lessons 2-9 are for england and 10-17 are wales. Depending on which you pick youll be taken to lesson 2 or 10.

The issue we are having is that when the user say goes back to the previous lesson the continue buttons disappear. I understand this is an intended feature so i added the previous/next blocks to help if users go back a lesson.

The issue then is that if you click the welsh package, you can not go forward because you did not complete lessons 2-9 (which are for english colleagues) and it pops up that the lessons must be completed in order.


Obviously the easiest solution would be to use storyline but the business are more fond of rise. Is there a workaround for this issue?


Thanks in advance :) 

  • Whether you use Rise or Storyline, a project can only use one set of Text Labels (the built-in text for certain system messages). In other words, those messages will always be shown in just one language, no matter whether your users choose English or Welsh. 

    To avoid that problem, companies typically create a separate package of a course for each language. When that's done, there are a couple of alternatives for presenting it in an LMS:

    • If the LMS has the functionality, the packages are connected in a curriculum. The LMS presents them with the choice of which language version to launch. And the LMS only requires someone to complete one of the packages in the curriculum. 
    • The separate packages are "wrapped" into one large package that includes an introductory page for selecting a language. That selection steers the user to the chosen language. 
      • Unfortunately, I don't have any recommendations for companies/programmers who do this.