Forum Discussion

MarvieYap-Mulde's avatar
Former Staff
2 years ago

New in Rise 360: Lesson Header Toggle

Lesson headers can give learners a handy summary of what the next section of content is about.

Sometimes, though, that information is obvious without a header. And other times the default header can interfere with your course layout ideas. With Rise 360’s new lesson header toggle feature, you now have the option to turn off these headings throughout your course. So when you want to streamline the learning experience and leave them out, it’s as easy as flipping a switch!

If you’re an Articulate 360 subscriber, you can access this new feature immediately in the theme settings of any Rise 360 course. And if you don’t have Articulate 360 but want to try out this feature, you can start a free 30-day trial.

Once you’ve given it a try we’d love to hear what you think! Please share any feedback or suggestions in the comments below. We’ll be working on enhancements for this feature and want to know if there are areas for improvement or additional functionality that you’d like to see. We’re looking forward to your feedback!

The Rise 360 Team

  • Nice feature. But the setting could be confusing. The switch turns on hiding, which, in essence, is turning off the headers. Yet the subtext says "Turn lesson headers on or off," which implies that "On" would show the headers...

    IMHO, it would have have been better to just call it "Lesson Headers," and have the toggle for Off (i.e., don't show them) or On (i.e., show them). 

    • AngeloCruz's avatar

      Hello Judy!

      I understand that the subtext may be a bit confusing to some. I'll share this with our team so that they can have a look as well. I'll post updates if there are any or if we make changes that will help.

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

  • CaseyLim's avatar
    Community Member

    With this feature in mind, will there be an option to set the blocks with images with text on top to be HTML headings?

    Right now they are paragraph tags <p></p> but people can mistake them visually as headings and use them as such. However for accessibility purposes there should be an option to change the paragraph into heading levels 1, 2, 3 <h1>, <h2>, <h3> as needed.

    • Crystal-Horn's avatar

      Hi Casey! We don't have a change like that planned for the Text on image block.

      In this scenario, I'd recommend using the Image layout for lesson headers. Here's a comparison of a lesson header using a background image and a descriptive lesson title, and a Text on image block:

  • The problem for me is that if a change the lesson header with a particular picture this will apply to all my lesson headers. I need personalized images for each of my lesson headers

  • Hi Jesselya and Soniya!

    I understand you would like the option to add images to each lesson header rather than having one image applied to all lesson headers.

    This feature isn't available yet in Rise, but we're tracking requests for this feature and will keep this thread posted for any updates! 

  • I'll upvote that feature. It's very hard to maintain interest nowadays, and unique images for topics need to be the bare minimum in a templatized page display like Rise.

  • I'll upvote that request as well! This is why I stay away from images as lesson headers. The image may not relate to each lesson.  :)


  • KDebCook's avatar
    Community Member

    I'll upvote that request as well!   As well as one that lets you choose if the lesson gets a header or not.  Pick and choose - 

  • Tim_'s avatar
    Community Member

    Lesson Headers may still take up space, inconsistently.

    Try this:

    1. Go to lesson headers
    2. Select a style
    3. Set Header Height to small
    4. Save
    5. Go back to lesson headers
    6. say 'Hide Lesson Headers'.
    7. The header is gone, but it still takes up the same space. Confirmed true after publishing as well.

    Then try this:

    1. Go to lesson headers
    2. Show the lesson header and change the height to Medium or Large
    3. Save
    4. Go back to lesson headers
    5. say 'Hide Lesson Headers'.
    6. The header is gone, and the space is collapsed, as it should be.

    It's something funky with styles, because the way they've implemented hiding lesson headers is that the lesson header object still exists in the source of the page, it's just not visible.