Forum Discussion
NEW IN RISE 360: Table Block
We’ve just released a super-useful new block type for Rise 360: the table block. Now it’s easy to organize detailed data and information in tables to provide more context for learners.
Here’s how the table block works:
We think you’re going to love using this new block!
- CassiusNetzleyCommunity Member
A very welcome and good start to the table block feature, thank you!
We would love to eventually see the new Rise table block cells respect a cut/copy & paste from Excel tables (with default delimitation settings). With my limited testing, Rise seems to paste all data (copied from a straight-forward 3 x 3 data grid in Excel) into one cell (see attachment).
I don't expect the appropriate cell size in Rise to build out automatically, but if there's a 3 x 3 cell grid setup-- I do feel like the info copied into the cache from Excel should 'port' into the Table block appropriately.EDIT: This is normal functionality as stated in the feature's FAQ.
- WendyFarmerSuper Hero
Hi Cass
from the FAQ's about the new feature - so it's not yet possible
- AnthonyGossCommunity Member
I love the fact that we can create tables now. One point of concern is for mobile portrait view. The text does not wrap properly in this view, especially when there are multiple columns. Will this be addressed in a future update? I am thinking there could be some kind of a visual cue to the learner to turn their device to landscape view when attempting to view a table on a mobile device. There could also be a way to wrap the individual columns so that the table view on mobile portrait is responsive.
- CassiusNetzleyCommunity Member
- KariWilson-a600Community Member
I agree and have to day it is not just an issue for Mobile display. Each person's computer changes the text in the cells.
- IrinaPoloubessoCommunity Member
Thank you very much for this long awaited feature!
Looks great, love it very much!
Will it be possible to change border color of table to white / or to remove the border completely?
This would open additional sleek layout options of more narrower sitting content blocks (with not so much empty margins like in other blocks).
Thank you for this great tool!- RichBeckerCommunity Member
Hi, Rich. While you can't change the border color at this time, you can make it thicker. Select all of the cells, choose the cell style icon, and select thick:
We'll let you know if there are additional table formatting options in the future!
- AmyEdmonds-e306Community Member
- Patty-MaherCommunity Member
I'm having the same issue. Did you ever resolve it?
- AngelaKerrCommunity Member
I have been working with the table feature - Love it, but I am finding I cannot get rid of extra space after the table. Is this a known issue or is there a trick to modify the space after? I have tried backspace and delete.
Hi, Angela! It's a little tricky, but you have to press Ctrl + Backspace as detailed here.
Hope that helps! Let me know if there's anything else I can do for you.
- AnselmGeskeCommunity Member
editing tables is welcome of course and I integrated it the first day I had it. What I actually consider more necessary would be a four field matrix with two dimensions to name like the classic way to draw such matrix with the dimensions "urgency" and "importance".- DanielMcMillanCommunity Member
Great idea @Anselm Geske. Perhaps even better would be if the table in RISE allowed the option for a 3d matrix (e.g. = x-axis, y-axis, z-axis to compare Outdoor temperature, Relative humidity, Wind Speed)
- MatthewFrancisCommunity Member
I love that we can use tables now, it was something I had even brought up before. But surely there should be a way of changing the format of text in multiple cells rather than one by one.
As a whole the format capability of Rise is archaic. We should have more control over theme colours and selecting these when changing colours of fonts and backgrounds.
If the format could be set at block level or course level it would save so much time formating every text block or line of list point or individual table cell.
I feel like Articulate want every course to look like the Articulate brand, but in reality we have our own brand guidlines to follow. How about making it simple for us to do this and look at every other program and simplify the formatting process.
Hi, Matthew. I'm sorry you're feeling frustrated by the level of formatting control. We work hard to make sure the courses you create with Rise 360 look great on any device. Part of that is providing default formatting for each block.
At the same time, I totally understand that our formatting isn't a perfect fit for every project. One cool trick you can use is to adjust the block settings to meet a particular set of brand guidelines, then create a block template from that block to reuse later. That way, you don't have to keep reapplying formatting options. You can read more about block templates here.
Back to your original query, there is a way to select the content of multiple cells! Simply select the text in the first cell that you want to edit, then press Shift+Down Arrow or Shift+Right Arrow to select additional cells.
Hope that helps! Let me know if there's anything else I can do for you.
- MatthewFrancisCommunity Member
Hi, Thanks for the reply. I know we can use the template function and we do to an extent, but we also want to create diversity between the way people intereact with each course / brand. If we template everything all our courses will look the same and people will get bored.
I understand why you have defaults but surely providing a simple function for users to be able to adjust that makes sense. I've put in many comments and feature requests around this in regards to formating themes, colours, fonts etc.
We have 6 licences and are creating courses for over 10 global consumer brands and are looking to expand our development capabillity. Simple changes to this would help make expanding and streamlining our capacity and efficiency very easy.
- LoriSullivanCommunity Member
Hello! I've been building tables all week without any issues (thanks for this additional capability). However, this morning, I am finding that the menu used to add/delete rows and other table formatting functions is no longer working. Clicking on the drop-down arrow for any of the editing categories no longer display any options. Clicking on the drop-down arrow now closes the menu. Temporary bug?
Hi Lori,
I just tried this out and everything seems to be working normally on my end. Are you still seeing this issue? If so, the quickest way to resolve this issue is to have our Support Team take a look. You can submit a case here.
In the meantime, if there's anything else I can do to help, please let me know!
- LoriSullivanCommunity Member
Hello Allison - I just relaunched Rise and it appears to be working at the moment. I'll submit a ticket if the behavior returns.
- GregWardCommunity Member
I'm also having this issue (can't add or delete rows or collumbs) . Plus it seems way too easy to delete a whole table, and there is no undo button.
- GregWardCommunity Member
Now it is working...odd. This has happened before to me.
Hi Greg and Lori,
I'm glad you were both able to get this to work again! If it ever happens again, please reach out to our Support Team so they can take a look. You can submit a case here.
Have a great day!
Thanks, Wendy! I had not seen the FAQ section (below the feature overview) for this feature until now.