Forum Discussion
Offline Viewing with modern player
Will it some day be possible, to download a course for offline use, which is published with modern player?
Today there is no option, for using the Articualte mobile app, when using the modern player.
Will there be an update for the Articulate mobile app?
Hello, Matthias!
The Articulate Mobile Player (AMP) output only works with Storyline’s classic player style. Thanks for letting us know you have a need for compatibility with the modern player! For now, if you need AMP output, be sure to choose the classic player style before you publish.
- Alison-LCommunity Member
Ah the AMP, the little red headed stepchild that eveyone knows is out there but want to acknowledge it exists.!
this SEEMS like the perfect opportunity lost!! You update the player if, nothing else, things CAN PLAY with the new people, and then everyone want to use it and you have interoperability!!!
- Geraud-PCommunity Member
RISE and Articulate 360 published projects would definitely benefit from having a smartphone (iPhone and Android) version of the modern responsive player available for "offline" content viewing when no Internet connection is available.
I have worked with clients that have this requirement (e.g., areas in Third World countries where no reliable Internet connection is available) and have opted to use other eLearning authoring platforms because this is not fully supported/updated in the Articulate product line.
Does Articulate have plans to update RISE and 360 to offer this feature in the near future?
Hi there, Geraud. It sounds like what you need is a way to load Rise and Storyline 360 content onto a device for offline viewing. I'll add your comments to a feature request so we can track this idea and notify you of any changes.
Thanks for telling us your thoughts!
- MikeG-9aff458e-Community Member
Geraud what authoring tools did you decide to use for offline viewing?
- ChuckBarrittCommunity Member
Agree with this need. We also have to find a way for all our Articulate materials to work offline. We have many users who are off the network for a full day or more as they work in remote forested areas. They can't maintain a full time network connection, and in fact have to use satellite phones for voice communications.
- NickStrappCommunity Member
It would be great to have the offline functionality of AMP available for files published using the Modern player. This is a newly discovered deficit and a great shame considering the improvements with the Modern player. For use by my folks offline function on iPad has been a brilliant option, so really sad that this is lost with the updated player.
- MatthijsMensinkCommunity Member
+1 for offline viewing on an iPad!
Our employees and business partners also work in remote areas worldwide. For Storyline courses they use AMP on the iPad, but for offline Rise content there is no alternative.
Option for offline viewing would be great! - SamLincolnCommunity Member
+1 from me.
Hi, everyone. Thank you for your insight!
It really helps us understand the need. If we add this functionality in a future update, we promise to keep this discussion updated!
- AliceDauphin-d2Community Member
Hello Matthijs Mensink,
How did you do to use AMP on the iPad? Can you explain me step by step please? Hi there, Alice!
This user guide contains everything you need to know about installing and viewing courses on the Articulate Mobile Player. Explore those tutorials, and let me know if you find the answers you need!
- AndrewTaylor-08Community Member
Our users work in a safety-critical environment where online connectivity is forbidden. The capability to view interactive eLearning would, however, be extremely useful. As such, I support this request for an offline responsive player.