Forum Discussion

StephaniePragas's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

One scene will not upload to Review 360

I have a very large articulate file I'm working on. I thought it was the size of the file that is making it not upload to Review 360, but I went in and uploaded each scene separately and it turns out it's one scene that will not upload. I get an error message every time.

This particular scene has a lot of branching. I'm wondering if it has something to do with this? See attached image. I need to get this on Review ASAP so any workaround would be fabulous.


  • Hi Stephanie!

    Sorry to hear you're having trouble getting your full course published to Review 360.

    I see that you've already opened a support case and connected with my teammate Jan Lua. You're in excellent hands working one-on-one with him! It looks like Jan Lua replied to your e-mail with some feedback and steps you can take to resolve the issue.

    We can continue this conversation in your support case to keep all information in one spot.

    For anyone else discovering this thread with a similar issue:

    "The issue is caused by the vector graphics (SVG images) added to some of the slides in Scene 5. By deleting them, the course can be previewed and published.

    Please note that all vectors, including the ones in the layers and groups, need to be removed".