Forum Discussion
"Online presentations aren't supported"
You said, "but it is a local (C:Drive) file." That is correct, but it is a local (C:Drive) file that is being synced with OneDrive. This is considered an "online file" by Articulate. It doesn't help that the error message is inaccurate when it says "Save a copy to your local drive to continue." What Articulate really means is, "Save a copy somewhere on your local drive not syncing with OneDrive to continue."
And this is the crux of the problem. You can't edit/modify PPTX files using Articulate if they are being backed up by OneDrive. This is very counterintuitive as most people naturally now want to back up everything, and OneDrive is the method of choice. It means having to store all of your Articulate presenter projects in a space on your Hard Drive that is vulnerable to being lost. (Or using another tool like SyncToy to make up for this).
What you are saying is exactly why I want Articulate to fix this. I would also argue that If the file AutoSave is turned off, there is no reason that Articulate should prevent you from using Presenter. But Articulate just ignores this setting. I can understand how things might get messed up if your file is syncing (autosaving), but I really think Articulate could make an exception if you turn off AutoSave.
Having said this (beware of rant), when was Presenter last updated anyway? Are there any resources dedicated to making updates to it now? I still use it frequently when I get a PowerPoint file with lots of animations I don't want to recreate by hand in Storyline. For presentations that don't have branching/high complexity it is still my tool of choice. But sometimes I wonder if that is a mistake because it seems like the orphaned older brother these days.