Forum Discussion

DmitryReznik781's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

passing points are not transferred

Good afternoon! When uploading a course from rise to a new format, for some reason, the passing points are not transferred to the SDO. 0 points are always given at 100% completion of the course.
The export setup is as follows:
LMS - scorm 2004
Edition - 2
Track using course completion - 100%
Reporting - passed/incomplete


What could be the reason?

  • Hi there! When you complete the course in your learning management system, does the status show "Complete"? 

    Can you tell me more about the points you're referring to? If you can include a screenshot, that would be even better! 

  • Да, статус Завершено и  Процент прохождения 100% проставляется. 

    Почему-то  в СДО не передаются         Балл ы и  Оценка в процентах.

    Может данные параметры  не передается в СДО если курс создан через подъем ( Баллы и Оценка в процентах)?

  • параметры экспорта ставлю такие - см скрин

  • as you are tracking via course completion and not grade you won't get a passing grade or percentage