Forum Discussion

MichaelOliva's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Player Issue when reviewing a quiz

I have built a standard quiz that functions perfectly until a user accessing the review feature on the results slide.  When looking at the review, all questions except 18 and 20 show the Previous, Next, and a disabled Submit button.  Numbers 18 and 20 only show the Previous and Next buttons.  

I have built new questions to try and fix it but nothing seems to work.  I can't find the player features options for the review player.

Any help would be appreciated.  Thank you in advance.

  • Hey Michael,

    The triggers to disable the Submit button are causing these issues.  You can address this by adding a "review" variable so that the the disabling state only occurs when viewing the slides to answer.  

    A more lean way is to just remove those trigger and delay the answer choices until the audio completes.

    See attached.


    • MichaelOliva's avatar
      Community Member

      Thank you so much for the help.  It looks like I just got trigger happy!