Forum Discussion

Jean-PascalMulo's avatar
Community Member
4 years ago

Possibility to access all Rise content of the Articulate 360 Team

Hello team,

We have an Articulate 360 Team subsription with many seats.

Is there any possibility to have a full access to all the Rise content created by all the team members under this licence (like a "super administrator") ?

I would like to control all modules created by team members.



  • Hi everyone!

    We are excited to share that we have released Rise 360 Team Folders! You can now create shared team folders in Rise 360 to organize your content and share content with collaborators even faster. We know this has been a popular feature request and we can't wait for you to finally check it out!

    Your Rise 360 dashboard will look a little different, but don't worry. You can find all of your content, personal and shared, in the My View section. If you run into any snags or have additional questions about Rise 360 Team Folders, our team is available in this discussion or in a support case.

  • DanJeffries's avatar
    Community Member

    It would be great wouldn't it? Alas it's not available (yet).

    I ask my team to share with me as Collaborator. This is the only workaround at present.

  • Hi folks! It sounds like you need shared Rise 360 folders so everyone on your team can access those courses anytime. We're tracking requests for better folder management in Articulate 360 Teams, so I'll add your vote to the list!

    • DanJeffries's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Alyssa 

      Whilst this would be great what we really need is for Admins or Managers to have blanket access to all lessons, regardless of whether they are shared or not.

      If a colleague is off sick and I need to make an amendment and export, I can't - unless they've remembered to share it. Admins should have total access to all lessons. 

      • Jean-PascalMulo's avatar
        Community Member

        Hi Dan,

        You are exactly right! As admin, I would like to control and manage all the contents.
        I think the best way should be, as admin, to be the only one to create all the contents of my group and then, add them as collaborators...
        This is a process to set up at the project team level.

        Thank you to all for your answers. 

  • Hi everyone!

    We are excited to share that we have released Rise 360 Team Folders! You can now create shared team folders in Rise 360 to organize your content and share content with collaborators even faster. We know this has been a popular feature request and we can't wait for you to finally check it out!

    Your Rise 360 dashboard will look a little different, but don't worry. You can find all of your content, personal and shared, in the My View section. If you run into any snags or have additional questions about Rise 360 Team Folders, our team is available in this discussion or in a support case.

  • JelenaJurlin's avatar
    Community Member

    I agree with Jean-Pascal and Dan above, I am missing a feature to be able to see all courses being created under my subscription. Currently, team members may initiate courses but I am unaware of them and so are, perhaps, other team members, meaning we can be duplicating content. Also, if one person is off, we need to wait for him/her to return and add us as course collaborators or to move the course to the "team". It would be great to be able to move courses to the team as admin, not just as the course owner.

  • We are also interested in having a Super Administrator role as described by Dan where all files in the organization can be viewed/edited regardless if they are shared or not. While the Teams folder sounds great, it is my understanding that each project creator in the organization would have to share as collaborator.