Forum Discussion

Emily_Tacoma's avatar
Community Member
12 months ago

Pre-test and Post-test question draw variable


In Storyline, I have created 4 question banks each with 5 questions. I have the learners taking one question from each bank as the pre-test and post-test of a course.

I am creating my own results screen where they can see what areas to focus on before the course and then see how they compare after the course. I'm having difficulty identifying the name of the variable (or creating it) to show me if the person got the answer correct or not. 

Basically I want something along the lines of Bank 1 variable pretest (pass/fail), Bank 1 variable posttest (pass/fail). (The slide triggers I have set up in the screenshot are incorrect.)

Has anyone does this who can help me set it up? 

  • Since you only have 1 question per Question Bank (QB), you could do this: 

    • Create a text variable for each bank. For example, call them preQB1_resp, preQB2_bias, preQB3_legal, and preQB4_pmp. The default value for these should be blank.
    • On each question slide, add a trigger that changes the value of the corresponding variable to "Passed" or to "Failed." The "when" depends on how you set up the questions.
      • If the questions provide immediate feedback, a trigger on the Correct layer would set the value to "Passed." A trigger on the Incorrect layer would set the value to "Failed." 
      • If the questions don't provide immediate feedback, a trigger could change the variable to "Passed" when the user clicks the Submit button. It should include the condition(s) that the user answered correctly. For example, with a multiple-choice question, the condition could be that the correct button = Selected. The trigger should also include an Else action that changes the variable to "Failed" (which would happen if the condition isn't met, that is, when the answer is incorrect).
        • Be sure this trigger comes before the Submit trigger. (When there's no immediate feedback, the Submit trigger includes jumping to the next slide. A trigger can't run after the program has left the slide where the trigger is.
    • On our Pre-Knowledge Check Results slide, insert references to the preQB__ variables. These will show "Passed" or "Failed" based on what was set by each QB.