The problem was that your Results slide was in the same scene as the content.
- When that Master trigger was jumping through the slides, it did unlock all the slides. But it also jumped to the Results slide at the end. And that happens before the trigger runs to adjust the variable back to False.
If you re-watch Ginger's presentation, you'll see that her Results slide is in a separate scene. That's because the "Jump to next slide" trigger can't go beyond the last slide in a scene. (To do that, the program needs a "Jump to scene" trigger, or a trigger that jumps to a specific slide.) So when SL gets to the last slide in the content scene, it stays on that slide, and the triggers that adjust the variable and jump back to the first slide in the content can run.
In the attached file, I moved your Results slide to another scene. Now it works like Ginger's example. (Note: I also had to adjust its Quiz Settings to keep it attached to the question slide in the first scene.)