Forum Discussion

RichardHanson-2's avatar
Community Member
8 months ago

Published to htmi5, svg test changed to a different font

Hello, trying storyline 360 and I am having issues with it changing my fonts in my svg image to a different font.

Now, I would think if the font I have in my svg file, for some reason, is not acceptable (Arial) that the publishing process would stop and say something like  "hey I can not use your font, please change it or choose one from a drop down menu to replace it.

Am I missing something?



  • stoyline does not analyze imported svg (= xml) for the use of fonts and text*

    for Adobe Illustrator there is a workaround**

    export -> svg -> font: Convert To Outline

    for Affinity Designer there is a similar workaround**

    export -> svg -> Text as Curves

    for inkscape i have not found such a function on export


    * the usage of fonts/text in storyline is complete differnet from usage fonts/text in svg

    ** convert all text on export to vector grafic  - the editable text is in the source file