Forum Discussion
Publishing Storyline Content in Canvas LMS
Hello! I just wanted to share a recent success I had with getting my Storyline files in to the Canvas LMS. Although I haven't quite found a way to use SCORM reporting features, this is an option to upload your presentations into Canvas that will allow for all of the great interactions we so love in Storyline!
The trick is, when you publish, you have to make sure to choose Launch Player in a New Window. Here are all of the steps I followed (including making it work for iPad).
In order for Storyline presentations to work in Canvas, you have to publish with these player options:
BEFORE you publish, you have to go in to the Player - Other - Launch Player in a New Window
If you choose Prompt to Resume, make sure to leave the "Ignore Flash Cookies in LMS" option UNCHECKED.
It should look like this:
When you publish, make sure to have LMS selected, and checkmark all the boxes in the Publishing for HTML5 and mobile devices.
In Canvas, you need to navigate to the course and page (assignment, module, etc.) where you will be adding the content. THIS IS VITAL. You have to be in the course you want to add the content in before you choose the FILE option on the left-hand side.
Choose "Files" option in the left-hand navigation.
Create a new sub-folder for the course and then choose the upload zip file. Upload the Storyline zip file into the subfolder.
Now create the assignment, announcement, module, etc. that you wanted to create. Choose Add File from the right-hand menu. Navigate to the subfolder you created. Once there, you need to find the "launch.html" file and click on it to add it to your assignment. If you want to allow iPad users to see your content, you also need to click on the IOSLaunch.html file and add it to the assignment.
Save your assignment.
Make sure you have popup blockers off, and then test it out. It should launch in a new window on all browsers. On iPad, you need to have the Articulate Mobile App to interact with the content.
Hope this helps!
- KevinThompsonCommunity Member
Hi Shauna,
Here is how we import Storyline content into Canvas. Most of the time we have an interest in tracking completion of the learning objects, so my directions are focused on that goal.
1. Publish from Storyline for the LMS
-- we tend to use SCORM 2004 v.3 with the Passed/Incomplete setting
-- we usually base completion on a certain score on a final quiz or a course completion trigger at the end of the module2. ZIP the published output.
3. In Canvas, enable the "SCORM" LTI tool in you navigation settings.
4. In the SCORM tool, click "Upload" and select your ZIP package.
5. Import the ZIP package as a graded assignment.
This will host your files in a cloud-based storage location since Canvas itself cannot host the files and have them function as a trackable object.6. You'll now have an assignment in Canvas and there will be a column in the Grades tool for the assignment. The Storyline object needs to be launched in a new window.
We've also uploaded non-SCORM (therefore non-trackable) Storyline content into the Canvas Files tool, but since there are so many files involved it creates quite a mess if your Canvas course has a lot of other learning objects.
We've had some trouble with the completion scores of Storyline objects resetting (from 100% to 0) if the learner re-launches the content after completion -- so would be interested to hear from anyone who has overcome that challenge.
-Kevin - MarkRash-bc5477Community Member
This is an older post, but I'm replying because I may have some info that might help future users who stumble upon this post. In my experience with Storyline and Canvas, here are some keys:
- Publish using SCORM 1.2, with the appropriate tracking option set, and with Passed/Incomplete for reporting. According to the SCORM standard, this option is the only way a score gets passed back to the LMS.
- Use the Canvas SCORM LTI for importing, rather than the Files area. This automatically links up the Storyline project with an assignment (graded or ungraded).
- Once you import as either a graded or ungraded assignment, this cannot be changed. You must reimport using the SCORM LTI.
- Remember to publish the assignment to test it in Student View and/or make it available for students.
- If you've done all of the above and have problems capturing completion data in Canvas, there is some JavaScript you can place on the last slide of your Storyline project to force submission of a 100% score and completion status. If your project has a quiz, you'd want to pass the quiz score rather than 100%, but that's outside the scope of my reply.
This is the "when all else fails" JavaScript for the last slide of your project. Keep in mind that Articulate doesn't provide user support for JavaScript and it's always possible that future changes in the product could cause the code to stop working:
var player = GetPlayer();
function findLMSAPI(win) {
if (win.hasOwnProperty("GetStudentID")) return win;
else if (win.parent == win) return null;
else return findLMSAPI(win.parent);
var lmsAPI = findLMSAPI(this);
lmsAPI.SetScore(100, 100, 0);
lmsAPI.SCORM_CallLMSSetValue("cmi.core.lesson_status", "passed");- JeanMarrapodiCommunity Member
Bless you @Mark Rash for posting this! I'm the stumble upon person who needed this. :)
- KathyCockcroftCommunity Member
This worked for me a couple of weeks ago but now I am adding a Storyline to a new course in Canvas and it keeps hanging - the player opens but that nothing else happens. I have tried importing the new storyline into the player that I used originally but that hasn't helped either.
Any ideas or help would be gratefully received.
I just love Storyline and Canvas, it is shame we have so much bother trying to get them to work together.
- AndreaCohnCommunity Member
I originally posted this fix awhile ago. Since then we have noticed the more complicated the storyline is, the greater the chance of it not working. Eventually we had to purchase server space and link out to our storyline content. Definitely not ideal, especially since we cannot integrate with the gradebook! But we already had the content and had to make it work.
Andrea Cohn
Associate Dean of Library Operations
Harrison College
Sent from my iPhone- KathyCockcroftCommunity Member
Hi Andrea
Thanks for getting back to me. I have just posted a reply where I explained how I fixed it.
Sent from my iPad
- PennyChriste576Community Member
Hi Andrea,
Thanks for sharing that here and I hope that it's able to assist someone else!
- KatThoresonCommunity Member
Storyline module is very slow to open - if at all. I embedded a video in there - could this be causing sound "compression" issues?
Hi Kat and welcome to Heroes!
It sounds like your course is slow to open from your LMS? There is a compression that occurs when a course is published in regards to audio, video and images. Although the compression is done to help make your course load faster. Could you tell us more about how you're accessing the published course and if you see this behavior in different browsers? You may also want to test this out by loading the course to SCORM Cloud, which is an industry standard testing method for SCORM content.
- HelenaSmithCommunity Member
I just provided someone with the answers, they were asking the following:
I've made a module overview in Storyline. How do I get it to embed and play on a page?
- JoannaMarshallCommunity Member
I can't get my storyline file to play, even when I follow the instructions above, posted by Andrea, exactly. I get this error message:
"Unable to aqcuire LMS api."
Any ideas?
Hi Joanna,
If you receive an "Unable to acquire LMS API" error when launching Articulate content in your LMS, this may be caused by the version of Java that you have installed.
Some LMS’s use a Java API object to load content. Since content created in Articulate does not require Java, please do the following:
* Contact your LMS provider and ensure that your installed version of Java is compatible with the version of the LMS you are using.
* Ensure that you have published your content properly as described in the following article.Hope that helps and feel free to let us know if you need anything else!
Hi Kathy,
I can't speak to Canvas specifics, but are you using SL1 or SL2? You mentioned a new course, so I wasn't sure if you meant that you were adding in a newly developed version or similar as you also mentioned importing into a new player?
- KathyCockcroftCommunity Member
Hi Ashley
I am using version 1. Sorry, when I say a new course, I meant I am creating a new course on Canvas into which I would like to use Storyline.
I have sorted it but I really cannot understand the solution.
I opened one of the SL files that used on another course, these all opened and worked as expected.
Using trial and error I have found that if I copy or import the first slide from one of these into my new project and the set the trigger to the next scene it works!
I have looked at player settings and they are the same in both.
Strange but true....
Thanks for getting back to me, I wonder if my strange solution will work for others.
Sent from my iPad