Forum Discussion
Publishing Storyline Content in Canvas LMS
Hi Shauna,
Here is how we import Storyline content into Canvas. Most of the time we have an interest in tracking completion of the learning objects, so my directions are focused on that goal.
1. Publish from Storyline for the LMS
-- we tend to use SCORM 2004 v.3 with the Passed/Incomplete setting
-- we usually base completion on a certain score on a final quiz or a course completion trigger at the end of the module
2. ZIP the published output.
3. In Canvas, enable the "SCORM" LTI tool in you navigation settings.
4. In the SCORM tool, click "Upload" and select your ZIP package.
5. Import the ZIP package as a graded assignment.
This will host your files in a cloud-based storage location since Canvas itself cannot host the files and have them function as a trackable object.
6. You'll now have an assignment in Canvas and there will be a column in the Grades tool for the assignment. The Storyline object needs to be launched in a new window.
We've also uploaded non-SCORM (therefore non-trackable) Storyline content into the Canvas Files tool, but since there are so many files involved it creates quite a mess if your Canvas course has a lot of other learning objects.
We've had some trouble with the completion scores of Storyline objects resetting (from 100% to 0) if the learner re-launches the content after completion -- so would be interested to hear from anyone who has overcome that challenge.
Where do I find the scorm URL to copy into the assignment?