Forum Discussion

JamesLadnrigan's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Publishing to Web, package has spaces

Hi all, hoping for assistance, I'm publishing a Storyline file as Web and there are no spaces in the title, in any of the images/files etc within the course but when I go to upload my Zip package into our LXP, it tells me there are spaces in my package! I can't work it out, any help would be greatly appreciated!

  • Hi Toni,

    I'm happy to assist! Thanks for sharing the published output and the Storyline file! I tried uploading the output to SCORM Cloud to test if it works, and there seems to be no problem. Here's the link to the uploaded course.

    I see that you published the course to LMS using SCORM 2004, 2nd Edition. Try republishing it to LMS using xAPI, and see if it can be uploaded to your LXP. Experience API (xAPI) is the standard embraced by LXPs so it might work better for you.

    Let me know how it goes, and I'll be more than happy to assist further.

    • JamesLadnrigan's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Eric, thanks for the quick reply! Apologies, I had actually exported it multiple ways (I was desperately trying everything) and had already tried xAPI, but every time it produced files with spaces. I've been able to narrow down, I think it's the videos that are inserted using an embed code, they seem to be throwing up files after publishing in the mobile content folder that has spaces in it. Not sure what to do about this!

      • JoseTansengco's avatar

        Hi Toni. 

        Does removing the embedded videos allow your course to be uploaded to your LMS? If so, you'll need to reach out to the support team of your LMS so they can modify the behavior that checks for spaces in your uploaded files. 

        Unfortunately, the behavior appears to be specific to your LMS as we are unable to replicate the issue in SCORM Cloud. If this is a possibility for you, try adding the video from a file instead of embedding it to see if this helps. 

  • this seems to be a bug with "Set Poster Frame ..." -> Publish

    try "Remove Poster Frame" (last line of the menu)

  • very strange - the published images with the wrong filenames are posterframes from the external videos

    the result of some testing:

    • it happens always if you use import "Video from Website"
    • alternative for playing external video is as "simple" web object


    => no default posterframe is created

    but with this "simple" web object

    • autoplay is not possible (fullscreen is possible)
    • the ratio of the video shape has to be manually set to exactly 16x9 (to preserve the navi bar)


      • Jürgen_Schoene_'s avatar
        Community Member

        support case is #03902927

        the result is: the bug will not fixed

        it's like old times - you report a bug and the result is a feature request

        i thought articulate was beyond such behavior by now