Forum Discussion
Pulling Student Name from Oracle LMS using JavaScript
Hello brains trust!
I am hoping that one of you can help me with this.
I am trying to pull the student name from our Oracle LMS using JavaScript. When I upload the course into SCORMCloud, it works perfectly. However, it does not work at all when I upload the course to our Oracle LMS.
Here is the JavaScript I have used:
let player = GetPlayer();
let myName = lmsAPI.GetStudentName();
let array = myName.split(',');
let newName = array[1] + ' ' + array[0]
player.SetVar("lmsName", newName)
Has anyone else had this problem and been able to rectify it? Is "StudentName" called something else in Oracle?
The attached image shows the output from our LMS with the student name missing, and then the output from SCORMCloud with the student name displaying.
- SBP_IncCommunity Member
The "StudentName" is a function, not a variable as you might be thinking. I would start by finding out if the call lmsAPI.GetStudentName is working and myName is a value. The better question is does the lmsAPI object's GetStudentName function know how to get the value from Oracle.
Bonus tip, let newName = array.join(' ') is shorter