Forum Discussion

BrianBell-aaec2's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Quiz and results slides not marking as completed

I have a course with three assessments and their related results slides. These slides never mark as complete in the table of contents so those scenes never mark as complete either. All other slides show as completed appropriately. What might cause question and result slides to NOT show completed even after the quiz has been successfully completed?

Thank you.


  • Hi Brian, 

    Sorry to hear you ran into this snag. If you are using question banks for your assessments, have you tried enabling the 'Show Slide Draw Contents' option in the Player menu? If not, you can try enabling this feature here to show the completion of each individual slides.

    If this doesn't work for you, would you mind sharing a copy of your project file with us here or privately with our support engineers so we can take a look at it? 

    Looking forward to hearing from you!

  • I can enable 'Show Slide Draw Contents'  for two of the three assessments but not for the middle one... what would cause that?

  • Reason is that the slide title was too long. Once shortened the Show Slide Draw Contents option was available.

  • Hi Brian,

    Thank you for uploading your file! I see that you're working with one of our Support Engineers, Renato. Please let us know if you have additional questions!