Forum Discussion

DougDewan's avatar
Community Member
6 months ago

Quiz Results Percent

Hi Hero's, 

Seem to be having a problem with the quiz result slide. I built a course with 49 quiz questions. Some are multiple choice, Multiple selection, Drag and Drop, and Select one formats. I checked each and correct answer will give you 10 points. The results slide is set up to be a pass of 80%. I've gone through the course and answered all questions correctly, however the results slide gave me 91.66 % not 100%. Would anyone know what might be causing this?

  • AdamZamczyk's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Doug. You can check on the result slide which slides/questions feed into your result slide. I assume you have some other slides that may feed. 

    Also check and tick to score only viewed questions 

  • DougDewan's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Adam, I had performed that check as well, but still not working, thought maybe it was because of the score vs percent variable perhaps for some reason.

  • AdamZamczyk's avatar
    Community Member

    there may be multiple causes, I would start my checks with the Result slide, then each question setup (especially the drag and drop slides), each question should give 10 points for correct. 
    I would love to help but it is difficult to figure out without seeing the Storyline file -if possible share it here and I can take a look.