Forum Discussion

LisaHarrell-cd3's avatar
Community Member
6 years ago

Randomized Bingo Game


I want to make a randomized bingo game around some product terminology. I saw a great example in weekly challenge #98:

Would the randomization as in this card be accomplished with layers or maybe states? Any suggestions on how to be able to pick the color of the dauber.

Any help is much appreciated.


  • Hello Lisa,

    I came up with a better solution.

    I used a Freeform Pick Many Question. Using a question type, I can shuffle the 'Terms'. Previously I used a bunch of triggers.

    There are 34 terms and are labelled L1 to L34.

    • JessicaTaylor-d's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Russell. I used your idea of the Pick Many question to build a bingo board. I want a picture to appear upon select of the text. However, when the text moved, the picture still appeared in the original location. I created a T/F variable to True and then I thought creating a toggle would help solve the issue. However, now the text box in that one cell (with the toggle) does not move on the board. If I continue this route, essentially I will only have one board. I've only done simple variables in the past. Can you offer suggestions on how to correct?

  • Hello Lisa,

    Here is a storyline 360 project for you to take a look at. The terms are text variables a1 through to a24.

    This is built without any javascript. Uses a lot of triggers and some states.

    • LisaHarrell-cd3's avatar
      Community Member


      Thank you so much with your help! Can't express how thankful I am!


  • RehanMehmood's avatar
    Community Member

    I am not good with Javascript and its nature but I guess that to get the random words in the example you have referenced, the Javascript has been used. I may be totally wrong but the randomization never repeats exactly so it's not layers or states.

  • Hi Russell! Oh My Goodness! Thank you so much! I hope I can return the favor for you in the future.
