Forum Discussion

KK-f211101c-30c's avatar
Community Member
6 years ago

Record scores and results for pre and post tests in Storyline

We have a client that wants to have scores and results for pre and post tests recorded in the LMS separately so they can compare what they missed on the pre-test vs the post-test and have both scores recorded. They do not want an average of the two tests. Is there a way to have Storyline record these results and not have separate pre-test and post-test files?

  • Welcome to E-Learning Heroes and great question, Keith!

    Currently, Storyline lets you track a course either by the number of slides viewed, by course completion trigger, or by a single quiz (result slide).

    Although tracking both measurements or multiple quiz scores separately for the same course isn't supported at this point, this article outlines a few approaches to track more than one SCO (shareable content object) in a single course. Folks in the community may have other recommendations, so I'll leave that in their hands!

    Also, I found several related discussions that discuss pre and post type of assessments that can hopefully help 🤞

  • nicksol's avatar
    Community Member

    The individual scores for each question are sent to the LMS by default. So if the LMS allows custom reports, you can create two separate reports that group questions by pre- or post-test association. If you can't create custom reports, consider using something like Data Cloud to collect and group the data in any way the client wants. 

  • I have the same issue!  We are building a set of courses covering a broad range of topics (Investing, Malpractice, Student loans, et cetera) and want to track pre and post test results.   The test results will be feeding into a QI research project and hopefully will be the base for a clinical publication on the effectiveness of eLearning for Medical Residents and Fellows.

    Currently, we are working with Healthstream as our LMS. Has anyone tried having one quiz in the SCORM course, one one quiz inside the LMS shell?  

  • Just checking back in on this... any updates in Storyline that allow reporting for pre-and post test? I'd like to explore how to report the change in knowledge from before they started the course to after. Thanks! 

    • LaurenDuvall's avatar

      Hello Nellenda!

      Thanks for checking in! Storyline 360 sends a completion status to your learning management system (LMS), a learning record store (LRS), or both as soon as learners meet the completion requirement you selected. With that, you can add both a pre-test and post-test to your course, but if the learner meets the requirement to pass the pre-test, then that will be reported by the LMS. If the learner fails the pre-test but meets the requirement for passing the post-test, then the post-test is reported to the LMS. 

      Storyline doesn't send the score for both the post-test and pre-test.

  • Hi, Lauren!

    Thanks, for replying. I did see explanations like that, but that wasn't what I was asking. Apologies, if I wasn't clear! What I was asking is if Articulate is considering coding for reporting on pre and post tests in the future? Since this string was from two years ago, I was wondering if you folks are going to ever make that an option or not. Hope that's clearer. Thanks!

    • PhilMayor's avatar
      Super Hero

      Most LMS especially those relying on Scorm will only save one score, xAPI makes life a bit easier and with the custom xAPI statements it would be possible to do that now.