Forum Discussion

CristianaRat103's avatar
Community Member
8 months ago

Replay audio from beginning

I want learners to be able to restart the audio from the beginning if they want to. I added the replay button from the player by selecting "seekbar" under player controls and have it set to " allow user to drag seekbar".  I have read the 5 year old posts about the resume setting effecting this ability, however that setting would seem to only be a factor if you leave the slide and then return to that slide.  How can a player restart the audio from the beginning (on the current slide, let's call it slide A) while they are on the same slide, i.e. slide A.  So far the only way I can restart the audio is to drag the seekbar back to the beginning (left) of the seekbar.

  • AndrewHanley's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Christiana,

    There is also a little REPLAY button on the Player itself which does this action.

    However, if you want full control, you could place a little button the slide to "replay audio" then use a trigger to PLAY MEDIA "audio name" when thr button is clicked.

    Also, for these type of situations I always advise putting the audio on its own layer. That way you can start, stop and replay it at any time by simply "Showing", "pausing" or "hiding" that layer.

    Hope that helps! :)

  • I am currently trying to use the replay button on the player to replay the audio from the beginning.  It will only work with "reset to initial state"  so I also need to use tis for slides with interactions, where they should be set to resume saved state because I don't want the learner to have to redo the interaction.  (The interaction is what enables them to be able to navigate to the next slide.)  I also want to use the built in player rather than have to add a button on each slide.  Is it possible to add a button on the master slide(s)?  I appreciate the workaround to put the audio on a separate layer, but I think that would also require adding triggers to every slide?

  • AndrewHanley's avatar
    Community Member

    Ah, I understand the problem better now Cristiana.

    Unfortunately I dont know of a way to replay audio on a slide directly from the Player controls interface. I always use audio on layers and control it via buttons. It sounds alot of work, but in actuality its pretty quick to set up, and once done on one slide, you can copy/paste it across to other slides easily.

    You might be able to add a trigger that says PLAY MEDIA "audio file" when TIMELINE STARTS - would this maybe trigger the audio to play even if the slide isnt set to "initial state"? Im not sure but it might be worth a try.

    Apart from that, you could use a bit of javascript to play the audio from a button, then include this button in the TOP BAR of your Player - something like a "REPLAY AUDIO" button. I've used that successfully when I had different audio tracks in a course, and I used the javascript to mute individual tracks as the course was running.