Forum Discussion
Replay Button on Seekbar Not Working
Hi. A client has come back to me to note that the replay button on the right side of the seekbar doesn't work. I've checked it on both the Flash and HTML5 versions. I also can't find any triggers that specify the replay button, when pushed, should replay the audio for the slide. Can you help?
- ApoorvJain-5a9cCommunity Member
- PhilippeJEANTYCommunity Member
You are correct Philippe, I apologize if I created additional confusion.
The Play/Pause button is a part of the Seekbar for Storyline 3:
- JohnReddingerCommunity Member
Hi all, I would like to add my request that the replay button should work independently of the "when revisiting" setting!
This has actually just come up in a project today, and my team will now have to add triggers to make it work as we need it to.
- AngieStapleCommunity Member
This is BEYOND annoying... I have a current project that needs to resume saved state but they would like to be able to "REPLAY" the slide. I can't believe I'm just realizing this doesn't work as one would think. Angry clients make for an angry developer... please set the replay button to work as a typical replay button would and should... it should not be associated with the seekbar.
Hey Deb,
Thanks for reaching out, Deb. I'd be sure to enable the video controls below your video so that the client will be able to pause, rewind, and fast forward as needed.
Here is some documentation.
- debcreghan1Community Member
Thanks for your response. I didn't use the video controls initially because the client does not want to allow a user to fast forward the video. The seekbar can be controlled - but I don't see an option to do the same with the video controls.
If there is a way to use these controls to pause and replay, but remove the ability to fast forward please share it with me. This is what I need to accomplish.
Hey, Deb! Thanks for letting us know what you'd like to see! I'll let our team know you have a need for video controls with a read-only seekbar.
If there's anything else I can help with in the meantime, please let me know!
- DanEmmerich-362Community Member
Ditto to all those voting for a separate replay/ rewind button acting independently.
- AmyBirkhead-8c5Community Member
I'm working with an audio file that should be able to be replayed. Is there any way around this? I need users to be able to select replay to hear a question again and then interact with the slide. If there is no seekbar, how would a hearing impaired individual know that the audio is still playing and that the slide isn't frozen?
Hi Amy!
Can you enable the seekbar in the player? This would give learners the opportunity to replay the audio, and individuals with hearing impairments would know how much audio remains on the slide.