Forum Discussion

LiancaVanderMer's avatar
Community Member
12 months ago

Replay unable to Save or Publish files

Hi, for the past week I have had issues with Replay being unable to save my files and then also crashing when I try to publish a screen record. When I try to save, I get the error "File not found", which is weird because I'm trying to save and not open a file. I have tried saving my files in different locations and with different names on my local C:drive. I have also followed the instructions in this post to no avail Replay 360: How to Fix Unexpected or Erratic Behavior - Articulate Support.

Is there anything else I should do? 


  • Hello Lianca,

    Sorry to hear that you ran into this issue and thank you for letting us know about the troubleshooting steps you've already taken. 

    I'd like to ask a few questions to help clarify your experience: 

    • Are you able to save a newly created Replay 360 project to your local directory, or are you unable to save any project?
    • Does your machine meet the system requirements needed to run Replay 360? 
    • Do you have hardware acceleration enabled? Please check this article for instructions on how to check, as well as how to enable this option if needed.

    I also opened a support case on your behalf so we can have our support engineers take a closer look at the behavior. Feel free to share your responses here or through the email from our support engineer at your convenience. Thank you!

    • LiancaVanderMer's avatar
      Community Member


      I have checked everything you asked to check and could not find any problems. I have been using Replay for 7 months on multiple projects without encountering this error. Also, regardless of whether I edit old or new files, the error persists. I have also run tests in Storyline, but don't get any errors when saving content with that software.

      I have found a workaround though. The problem seems to be related to how deep the file hierarchy becomes and where I save content within my file system. I don't have problems saving to the Desktop (although 2 weeks ago I also had problems with this) and can also save into some other locations on my C: drive. I successfully saved to this location C:\Users\[myname]\OneDrive - [company name]. However, once the the path becomes too long, Replay starts given errors. I could not save into C:\Users\[myname]\OneDrive - [company name]\MyDocs\[filename]\[filename\Video\[filename. I don't have errors saving to this location with Storyline.


      • JoseTansengco's avatar

        Hello Lianca,

        Thanks for providing additional information. Microsoft Windows has a MAX_PATH limit of ~256 characters including the folder names, so this limitation might be what's causing the behavior for you. Try checking to see if your Replay 360 file path is exceeding 256 characters to confirm if this is the case. 

        Additionally, you'll want to save to a local location first such as 'My Documents' or 'My Computer' instead of saving directly to a OneDrive location as you've indicated in your previous response. If you need your files to be on the OneDrive folder, transfer them there after saving a copy to a local directory.

        Also, your contact information came through as well. This Peek video will show you how to edit it out if you’d like!

  • Thanks for alerting me to the email signature.

    Not sure that the Microsoft Windows  ~256 characters restriction is relevant as I have no problems saving deeply nested files with Storyline, as I noted in my comment above. The problem I am having is specific to Replay.

    My C:Drive and my Onedrive is the same location because everything syncs to the cloud automatically, especially if you use Microsoft 365. 

    Once again, Replay started giving issues recently. 

    • JoseTansengco's avatar

      Hi Lianca, 

      Thanks for the additional information. I added them to the support case that I opened so our support engineers can continue troubleshooting the behavior with you. Please be on the lookout for an email from them!