Forum Discussion

JohnVandiver's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Resources Tab - makes you restart whole course

When you go to RESOURCES, and open or download - it makes you restart the whole course. Is there a way to prevent this or to resume saved state somewhere? I have not had luck finding that. 

  • Hi John, 

    Thanks for reaching out! 

    I haven't come across this behavior before. Would you mind sharing some additional details so we can get a better idea of the behavior you're experiencing? 

    • Is your course hosted on an LMS? Or is it on a web server? 
    • Are you able to replicate the behavior using any browser?
    • Opening a resource article launches the file or URL in a new tab - does your current hosting environment support this behavior? 
    • Do you have the resume behavior setting for your course enabled? 

    If you have a publicly accessible link to your course, you can share it here or through a support case along with a copy of your project file if you're comfortable so we can try and observe the behavior on our end as well.