Forum Discussion
restore dragged object position if dragged into incorrect place.
thank you both for your answers but the solution that you gave me doesn't fully answer my question since i need to give an instant correct or incorrect feedback for each droped object, wich by the way can be easely done by defining wich drop targets are correct and wich targets are incorrect and depending on where the user drops the draged object you instantly show a layer or another. the thing is that the drag and drop question only allows me to give a general feedback on the question.
i'm starting to believe that the scenario that i'm trying to build is to complex and hasn't been considered by the storyline designers. by now, i will redesign the scenario this way:
1. i'll keep using a normal slide since the drag and drop trigger automaticaly returns a dragged object when it's dropped outside a correct drop target.
2. put a small tip icon next to the dragabble object in order to help the user to drag the object into the correct target.
3. set two triggers for the correct drop:
3.1. set both the drag object and the tip icon as disabled in one case to avoid the posibility of been moved again and in the other to be clickable.
3.2. show the specific feedback layer.
thank you very much for your help.