Forum Discussion
restore dragged object position if dragged into incorrect place.
Hi Hector,
It looks like you're on the right track to make this interaction work for you. I can't tell which version of Storyline you're using nor can I tell how experienced you are with Storyline. I'll just be thorough and you can ignore what you don't need. The instructions I'm sharing here are for Storyline 2 and I'm assuming that you selected, "Convert to Freeform" from the Insert tab on the ribbon bar.
First, you will want to be able to return the drop item to it's original location if dropped in the incorrect rectangle. Here's what I would do:
Click "Form View" in the Question pane on the right of the Storyline screen. Open the "Drag Item Options" in the ribbon bar. Next, select the "Return item to start point if dropped outside" check box and then select "a correct drop target" from the drop down menu.
You will also need to create triggers. Here's some ideas:
1. Two triggers (one trigger for correct case and one for the incorrect case) for each text box to ensure that the drag item's state changes to correct or incorrect when it is dropped on the correct or incorrect drop targets.
2. Two triggers (one trigger for correct case and one for the incorrect case) for each text box to ensure that the feedback layer is displayed when the text box's state changes to correct or incorrect.
Be mindful of how you stack your triggers for each text box. Ensure that the trigger that you want to start first is stacked at the top of the triggers for each text box. In your case, you would place the the state change triggers above the layer display triggers.
If none of the advice here is working for you, try swapping your text boxes for rectangular boxes of the same size and simply type your text inside of the box. This might make a difference.
Good Luck!