Forum Discussion
Resume video after exiting course
Has something recently changed in Storyline 360 regarding the saved state of videos? I created a test course back in July with an exit/resume loop, which allowed the student to exit a video partway through and come back to the same place in the video (since you "completed" the video slide before exiting the course). I have this test course published in our LMS (Healthstream) and it works just fine (video screenshot from the LMS attached). However, now the original Storyline course doesn't do that anymore - it takes you back to the beginning of the video. I tried to recreate this on another test course and even tried “Resume Saved State” with no difference, even after putting into the LMS. This is a feature I really like with long videos. Any suggestions?
Hi there, Steve. We have documented an issue with the video starting over on a slide when you revisit the slide, even if "resume saved state" is enabled. I added a seekbar and set that slide property in your project, and I can confirm that's the behavior I'm seeing as well.
I'm going to add your experience to our report, and I'll be able to update you here with any changes. I have to say, it's a really cool workaround you designed to resume media in the middle. I really hope we can get that working for you again!
- SteveHazeltonCommunity Member
Thanks Crystal - but I can't take credit for the exit/resume loop. I read about it somewhere on the E-Learning heroes site on a day when I was about to hit "Publish" on a course with a 45 minute video. Needless to say, I was soooo happy to add it into that course. And that's why it was so frustrating when I couldn't recreate it the other day or even get the original test course to work. I was beginning to think that my paranoia was real!
- SteveHazeltonCommunity Member
Has this issue been resolved yet? I have the next video in the pipeline.
Hey Steve,
No update to share at this time, but this conversation is attached so that we can share any pieces of information when we can.
- SteveHazeltonCommunity Member
Hi Leslie -
Not to be a PITA, but is there any hope of this ever coming back? I've started breaking the videos into smaller sections but that means that if they have to stop the video they have to do so when I choose the break, not when they need to. That doesn't work well for nurses doing their courses during down times on their shifts.
Hey Steve,
Thanks for checking in, and I know what a pain this bug has been for you. I've updated my team on this bug's continuing impact. I promise to share an update with you in this discussion as soon as I know more!
Great news, Steve!
As promised, we're back to share that we just released Update 27 for Storyline 360. This release includes a fix for the issue where videos would start over when revisiting slides even if they were set to resume saved states.
To see what this version has to offer, follow these steps to update your software. Thanks for bringing this to our attention and if there's anything else I can answer, I'll be here!
- EADSKILLRISECommunity Member
I did the update more. the bookmarking of the video does not work it always restarts the video, I tested in the Modern and Classic players and both did not work have any other way to solve this problem?The output is through Storyline 360 in HTML5 and using the classic theme
- EADSKILLRISECommunity Member
Hi, Katie does this work for both Classic and Modern players? - SteveHazeltonCommunity Member
Hi -
The Resume video feature needs an exit loop (see attached) to work properly, and I assume it may also depend on the LMS. In our case, we use Healthstream for a LMS. The "Resume where you left off" option in HS takes you back to the beginning of the last slide in the course, so if you bail from the video will take you back to the beginning of the video. The exit loop creates a different slide to bail from so that when you go back to the video, Storyline can pick up where you left off.
- EADSKILLRISECommunity Member
Thanks for the info, but not like what works :( Downloading a default option was deleted by Katie and was a full version of it.
Hi Eadskill,
Thanks for reaching out and sharing what you are running into. There are a couple of scenarios discussed here:
1. Exiting a course on a slide with a video playing and resuming on the same slide, will reset the video. This is the expected behavior.
2. Visiting a slide with a video, going to another slide, then going back to the slide with the video and having it resume properly is the issue that was corrected with the update Katie mentioned above.
The solution that Steve is sharing is to allow you to do scenario 1 with the solution from scenario 2.
I'm not sure what you are referring to above when you mention 'downloading a default option was deleted by Katie and was a full version of it'.
Let me know what you're running into and I'd be happy to help.
- EADSKILLRISECommunity Member
What can be translated to the case that does not exist, is an implementation application, because it is a good argument, whereas for the implemented it will be very legal.As for what you were not, it was exactly the fact that the plot did not allow him to be up to date and did not have the point of view of watching the video.
Thanks for the attention and I'm waiting for news.